CONSCIENCE 1Tim 1:15-20 Many have misunderstood conscience; resulting in drastic mistakes regarding their service to God Conscience defined: (Vines) Literally a knowing with oneself, the witness borne to one's conduct by conscience, that faculty by which we apprehend the will of God, as that which is designed to govern our lives. (Webster) Sense or consciousness of the moral goodness or blame worthiness of one's own conduct, intentions, or character, together with a feeling of obligation to do or be that which is recognized as good; --often with special reference to feelings of guilt or remorse for ill-doing
Therefore a need for studying about the conscience CONSCIENCE 1Tim 1:15-20 Many mistakes regarding conscience, prevalent among those trying to please God Allowing one man's conscience to guide all Rom 14:3-12 Allowing conscience to be guided separate from Scripture Acting against teachings of own conscience Therefore a need for studying about the conscience
CONSCIENCE MUST ALWAYS REMAIN UNDEFILED CONSCIENCE 1Tim 1:15-20 CONSCIENCE MUST ALWAYS REMAIN UNDEFILED Clear conscience a necessity to please the Lord 1Tim 1:5,19; 1Jhn 3:19,20 Even in liberty, must not violate conscience Rom 14:23 Consequence of going against judgments of conscience is hardness of heart or seared conscience 1Tim 4:2; Eph 4:17-19; Tit 1:15
CLEAR CONSCIENCE DOESN’T IMPLY ACCEPTABILITY CONSCIENCE 1Tim 1:15-20 CLEAR CONSCIENCE DOESN’T IMPLY ACCEPTABILITY Paul a blasphemer, persecutor, and injurious following his conscience Acts 23:1; 24:16; 1Tim 1:12-14 Ignorant sin still violation of God's law Lk 12:47,48 Folly of being guided by conscience alone revealed in Old Testament Jer 10:23; Prov 14:12; 12:15; 21:2 Observation alone shows weakness of following conscience or “letting your conscience be your guide”
CONSCIENCE IS SUBJECT TO EDUCATION CONSCIENCE 1Tim 1:15-20 CONSCIENCE IS SUBJECT TO EDUCATION Defiled conscience unacceptable to God, pure conscience alone not sufficient – so, guiding of God's word to educate conscience is needed Paul's conscience was changed Acts 9:1,2, 4-6, 20-22 Jews on Pentecost illustrate same principles Acts 2:23, 36-37, 38-42 Conscience must be educated by God’s word and it plays a prominent role in our obedience to Christ 1Pet 3:21; Rom 8:16
CONSCIENCE 1Tim 1:15-20 Imperative we refute false notions about conscience Especially denominational concept: "Let your conscience be your guide" Evident from study of these principles that when an honest man in religious error hears the truth, he either ceases to be honest or ceases to be in error. Because when an honest man hears and understands the truth his conscience will prod toward obedience of truth Why not respond to the prodding of your conscience based on hearing the truth, before your heart becomes hardened to the point that it can no longer be pricked with the truth.