Current NGTG Application Can be found at website: http://dma.wi.gov/dma/support/education Application has 4 parts: Student Portion School Portion Military Affairs Portion State Budget & Finance Portion 1
Student Portion 90 day deadline Submit application to school certifying official UW-Madison rate is the maximum tuition rate unless student’s school is less Reimbursement: within 30 days of term end date AWOL, flags, behind in child support suspends/denies reimbursement 2
School Portion After classes are completed, the School’s Registrar or Veterans’ Representative certifies this form for the above named student & term. The school keeps a copy & submits this application within 90 days of the term completion to : WI DMA, WIAR-PA-ED, PO BOX 8111, Madison, WI, 53708-8111. Upon fulfillment of previously incomplete course(s), adjust the number of satisfactory credits & the tuition paid, then submit to DMA. Direct any questions to DMA State Budget & Finance 608-242-3159. 3
School Portion cont’d School Name:__ USDOE federal school code:____(FAFSA code) Website to find your USDOE school code: http://www.fafsa.ed.gov 4
School Portion cont’d Beginning & ending dates of the term # of credits satisfactorily completed # of incomplete credits this term # of credits earned exclusively on-line # University post-grad degree credits 5
IMPORTANT IMPORTANT: report if another benefit paid the tuition this term. Circle all that apply: Chapter 33/WI GI Bill/Federal Tuition Assistance/Air Force TA/ VetEd/other? ______________ Indicate the amount each paid $___________ If you need extra room, attach an explanation or write it on the back of the application. 6
OUT OF POCKET ONLY What was the out of pocket tuition paid by student for satisfactorily completed courses ONLY $_______________ (No seg fees, CEUs) Out of pocket determination: Student only gets reimbursed based on what they pay. Subtract the tuition specific amount paid by Chapter 33/WI GI Bill/Air Force TA/VetEd/GoArmy Ed/other (tuition specific scholarship) from the total tuition charged. Questions? 608-242-3159. 7
Other tuition specific payments that should be subtracted from the “out of pocket” line Employer paid tuition Some American Indian grants 8
Don’t subtract from out of pocket: 1606 & 1607 can be used for expenses other than tuition specific & would not be deducted from what the student paid out of pocket PELL Grant can be paid directly to student & used for other expenses, not just tuition Loans must be paid back by the student 9
School Portion cont’d School certifier answers based on student’s record: Yes__ No__ Did the student attain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 for term/semester (NOT cumulative)? Yes__ No__ Did the applicant have a Bachelor’s Degree prior to the completion of this most recent term? 10
School Portion cont’d Certifier’s signature Date certified Certifier’s phone number 11
AMENDMENTS Keep a copy of the application for yourself To amend application, write “AMENDMENT” at the top Cross through what is incorrect Enter what is correct Initial it & send to address in School Portion 12
What has been collected to-date? RECOUPMENT Misconduct AWOLs What has been collected to-date? Approximately $345,000 of $680,000 from lump sum, monthly payments or sent to collection 13
WISCONSIN NATIONAL GUARD TUITION GRANT Q U E S T I O N S ? 608-242-3159 karen.behling@wisconsin.gov