Weekly Homework Sheet Class 1-241 Monday 12/12/16 Tuesday 12/13/16 Wednesday 12/14/16 Thursday 12/15/16 Friday 12/16/16 Read for 20 minutes and write titles on ‘Books Across America’ sheet Cut out sight words and put them in sight word bag. Write sight words 3 times each in notebook. Math – worksheet *leave in folder Rainbow write sight words 3 times each in homework notebook. Read for 20 minutes and write titles on ‘Books Across America’ sheet oo Vowel team worksheet. Glue inside homework notebook. Write 3 sentences using 3 of the sight words in homework notebook. Ex: I like books. Math - worksheet *Read on Raz-Kids Have a great weekend! Parent Signature: Reminders: Please put sight word bag in book in a bag. Practice sight words daily. **Read on Raz-Kids** **Practice on Lexia** Important Dates: Field trip to see a Christmas show: December 12th Ugly Sweater Day: December 22nd Pajama Day: December 23rd. My email address is: mspinok128@gmail.com School News: Congratulations to Amber and Mohammed A for being our students of the month for December! Sight Words: 1. eat 2. read 3. food 4. cook Mrs. Pino’s blog: http://ps7q.schoolwires.com/Domain/128 *Check out Class Dojo for updates and pictures!