WELCOME Back to School Mrs. Greer 2nd Grade E147 2016-2017
That includes keeping your hands and feet to yourself at all times Classroom Rules Be nice. That includes keeping your hands and feet to yourself at all times
Classroom Rules 2. Raise your hand. This means staying in your seat at all times. If you would like to say something, raise your hand
3. Use a quiet inside voice while inside the building. Classroom Rules 3. Use a quiet inside voice while inside the building.
4. Walk while inside the building. Classroom Rules 4. Walk while inside the building.
5. Follow directions for ALL Adults. Classroom Rules 5. Follow directions for ALL Adults.
PROCEDURES Entering the classroom Unpacking book bag to turn in materials Morning Routine How to turn in homework Consequences for not turning in homework/class work
PROCEDURES Hall Procedures
PROCEDURES Lunch Procedures
PROCEDURES Recess Procedures Recess Rules Recess is a time for socializing and playing, but it does have some rules for safety. 1. No throwing mulch. 2. No jumping from the playground. 3. Do not leave the fenced area to retrieve balls. 4. No tackle football or aggressive games will be allowed.
Moving through the classroom PROCEDURES Moving through the classroom
PROCEDURES Carpet Procedures
PROCEDURES Sharpening Pencils
The correct bathroom to use PROCEDURES Restroom Procedures The correct bathroom to use
PROCEDURES Emergency Drills Fire Tornado Earthquake
ALWAYS put your NAME on your paper!!! PROCEDURES ALWAYS put your NAME on your paper!!! How to turn in work
How to use the classroom Library PROCEDURES How to use the classroom Library
Class Jobs/Special Helpers PROCEDURES Class Jobs/Special Helpers
PROCEDURES Organizing Supplies Manipulatives Puzzles Games
PROCEDURES Wednesday Folders Graded Work Quality of Work
Getting water from the water fountain PROCEDURES Getting water from the water fountain
PROCEDURES Class Dojo Rewards Consequences
PROCEDURES Classroom Visitors
Computer use in the classroom PROCEDURES Computer use in the classroom
PROCEDURES Daily Schedule Related Arts Schedule
PROCEDURES Transitions Finishing work early Working independently Working in Groups Eating/Drinking in Class
PROCEDURES Dismissal Practices
We will go on 2 field trips. One in the fall and one in the spring.
Parent VOLUNTEERS Sign up genius
Helpful WEBSITES Raz Kids iReady