Status report on f0 00 with 2001-2002 data S. Giovannella, S. Miscetti Effect of new generator ee 0 00g on 2000 data Surveying old analysis on the whole 2001-2002 data set: LVLAB = 447 pb–1 Normalization studies • Survey of luminosity • Survey of visible cross-section f • Dependence of cross-sections on s A starting road vs a Dalitz plot analysis 3rd KPW – Capri, 23-26 May 2003
Effect of the new ee 0 generator on 2000 data ( I ) generator now in GEANFI (P. Gauzzi)... not yet tried Old data set of 16 pb–1 No changes on data cuts Just weighting MC with new dN/dE shape [analytical description from Nucl. Phys. B 569 (2000), together with G. Isidori and L. Ingrosso] The discrepancy shown in PLB paper and in the supporting documentation (KN 178) disappeared!
Effect of the new ee 0 generator on 2000 data ( II ) Weighted ee 0 All other angular and mass distributions are in very good agreement s = (0.496 0.009stat) nb Consistent with the PLB value in within the conservative syst. error assigned: sPLB = (0.46 0.01 0.03) nb Old ee 0
Effect of the new ee 0 generator on 2000 data (III) The effect on dBR/dMpp is really small Total effect on BR is 1% BR = (1.07 0.03stat)10–4 Consistent with the PLB value BRPLB = (1.09 0.03 0.05)10–4 PLB New generator M00 (MeV)
Old analysis on the whole 2001-2002 data set ( I ) Looking first at ee 0 00g w p0 g qg TL The agreement is even better than in 2000!
Old analysis on the whole 2001-2002 data set ( II ) ee 0 00g 2002 scan data not used Runs with bad trigger conditions not yet removed Nwp = 108357 ± 376 s = (0.505 0.002stat) nb In agreement with 2000 data Excellent Data–MC agreement
Old analysis on the whole 2001-2002 data set ( III ) f 00g 2002 scan data not used Runs with bad trigger conditions not yet removed Minor distortions with respect to the published f0 shape Angular distributions OK Nppg = 60527 ± 317 BR = (0.963 0.005stat)10–4 ~ 10% lower than 2000
Comparing dN/dM Normalizing the new data set to the old luminosity, the 10% decrease of the BR is uniformly distributed along the spectrum Possible explanations for the discrepancy are: a problem on luminosity a loss of events a normalization problem 2001+2002 data 2000 data M00 (MeV)
Luminosity check To check the Luminosity we made the following: Use VLAB of the DATAREC version used when streaming (which can be different from the DST one) Plot N(f 7 )/L as a function of run number We found runs with: L = 0 |N7g-Nexp| / Nexp > 10 Around 3 pb-1 to be taken out from the sample N(f 7 )/L vs Run # 2001 2002
Dependence on s : (f 7 ) 1. The data set has been binned in groups of 100 keV vs s 2. The x-sec of f as a function of s is reported 3. Only the bins with L > 500 nb-1 are shown 4. Same analysis efficiency for all s values The s dependence follows nicely the theory The peak x-sec is 3% lower than in 2000 data A first check on ECL streaming suggests a comparable loss due to out of time charged particles Visible x-section 20 % s in 2000 data
Dependence on s : (ee 0 00g) 1. Same analysis efficiency for all s values 2. Background subtraction not performed The process is clearly NOT RESONANT! Interference with f processes as shown from SND data [Nucl.Phys.B 569,2000] not visible, but this can be due to the residual background contamination Visible x-section (nb) s (MeV) s in 2000 data
Dependence on s : (f 00g) Visible x-section 1. Same analysis efficiency for all s values 2. Background subtraction not performed... We just select the Mpp> 700 MeV region, where the background contamination is smaller The process is clearly RESONANT! Shape follows roughly the theoretical x-section (nb) 5 % s (MeV) s in 2000 data
Looking forward to a Dalitz plot analysis The large statistics allows also to fit the Dalitz plot. In order to do this we should improve the photon pairing and have ana process independent 1. Only one kinematic fit with 4-momentum and ToF constraints 2. Same pairing for all processes, using only p0 masses (function of Egmin) 3. All events with p0p0g final state selected
Expected Dalitz-plot shapes for not p0p0 backgrounds
Expected Dalitz-plot shapes for p0p0 final states We intend to fit to the Dalitz plot taking into account any possible interference scheme between f 00, f r0 00 and ee 0 00
Conclusions and outlook A large and clean data sample is available The new ee 0 00 simulation clarifies the doubts remaining at the end of 2000 analysis Different s behaviour of the visible x-sec for f 00, ee 0 00 and the normalization process f h is observed. This suggests to: • perform analysis in bins of s • extract the BR (and the dBR/dMpp) fitting vs s Fit to the Dalitz plot will test any eventual interference scheme at low masses between VMD and S mediated processes