Health Unit Drug Abuse Vocabulary 7.2
You will Need 10 Index Cards
1. compulsive Uncontrolled or excessive behaviors
2. Risk Factor A factor directly related to the risk a person will use/abuse substances
The act of making up one’s mind. 3. Decisions Nemo Peer Pressure and Decisions – Stop at 1:05
Dealing with peer pressure so you can make Good Decisions
The outcomes or effects of a particular action or choice 4. consequences The outcomes or effects of a particular action or choice
Tending to act on sudden urges or wants 5. Impulsive Tending to act on sudden urges or wants
Drugs that are mind altering 6. Psychoactive Drugs Drugs that are mind altering
Caffeine – Psychoactive Drugs Continued Did you know caffeine is an addictive psychoactive drug? Stop Video at 2:40
7. Tobacco Tobacco is the nicotine-rich leaves of an American plant, which are cured by a process of drying and fermentation for smoking or chewing.
8. Smoking Smoking is the inhalation of the smoke of burning tobacco encased in cigarettes, pipes, and cigars.
Dangers of Smoking Stop Video at 45 seconds
9. Alcohol a colorless flammable liquid that in one form is the substance in liquors (as beer, wine, or whiskey) that can make a person drunk.
10. Drugs A drug is any chemical that affects the human body or mind when it is swallowed, breathed in, or consumed in another way. It is illegal to take drugs in any way/form not recommended by a physician. Quizlet