IMPROVERS’ LESSONS Welcome Teacher: Your Name Here Telephone: 123 4567 Email: © Copyright Reserved New Zealand Bridge Inc. 2016 Prepared by Amanda Smith
Lesson Three Play Techniques (for both notrump and suit play)
You often need to LOSE a trick to establish other tricks Promoting Honours You often need to LOSE a trick to establish other tricks
Lose to the Ace to establish two tricks Promoting Honours K Q J 9 6 Lose to the Ace to establish two tricks
Lose to the Ace & King to establish two tricks Promoting Honours Q J 5 10 9 8 7 Lose to the Ace & King to establish two tricks
Promoting Honours Q 5 K J 10 4 3 2 Lose to the Ace to establish five tricks BUT you must play the honour from the SHORT suit first
Lead towards Honours Play towards an Honour, hoping that the missing card is in SECOND player’s hand
Lead towards Honours – need 1 trick 6 5 3 Lead a SMALL card towards the King You hope that SECOND player has the Ace
Lead towards Honours – need 2 tricks K Q 8 6 3 Lead a SMALL card towards the King/Queen You hope that SECOND player has the Ace IF SO, you can make two tricks
Lead towards Honours – need 2 tricks K Q 8 6 3 If the Ace is not played, return to the hand with no honour and lead once more towards the honours If SECOND player has the Ace you can make 2 tricks
Lead towards Honours – need 1 trick Q J 4 7 6 3 Lead a SMALL card towards the Queen / Jack You hope that each opposition player has an honour
Lead towards Honours – need 1 trick Q J 4 7 6 3 If the Jack loses to the Ace or King, later in the play lead another small card from the hand with no honour
You hope that the missing honour is favourably placed Finesse You hope that the missing honour is favourably placed
A Q 7 6 3 Finesse – need 2 tricks Lead a SMALL card towards the Ace/Queen You hope that SECOND player has the King
If you WIN the trick, repeat the Finesse with the Jack Finesse – need 4 tricks A 10 9 2 Q J 4 Play the Queen first If you WIN the trick, repeat the Finesse with the Jack
A J 10 9 8 4 Finesse – need 2 tricks Lead a SMALL card towards the 10 When the opportunity arises, play another small card towards the Jack
Q 3 2 A 8 4 Finesse – need 2 tricks Play the Ace first (in case there is a singleton King) Then lead a SMALL card towards the Queen
Establishing a Long Suit Establish the suit where you have the BEST fit (excluding trumps). This suit will be your longest/strongest combination.
Establishing a Long Suit J 5 K Q 8 6 3 2 Lose to the Ace to establish this suit Play the JACK first. COUNT your opponents’ cards as they are played
Establishing a Long Suit K 3 A Q 7 6 2 Play the King first, then back to the Ace Hope that the suit splits evenly (3-3)
Establishing a Long Suit K 5 3 A 8 7 6 2 There are five cards missing including QJ109 You HAVE to lose at least one trick to win a trick Play the King first
Please contact me if you have any questions IMPROVERS’ LESSONS Please contact me if you have any questions Teacher: Your Name Here Telephone: 123 4567 Email: