Chapter 2: Overview of the Action Research Process Identifying Action Research Steps:
the Action Research Process Identifying Topic Gathering Information Reviewing Literature Developing a Plan Collecting Data Analyzing Data Action Plan Sharing Results Reflecting
(3) Eight Steps - Guidance (4) Steps: Skipped, Re-arranged Action Research Cycle (2) Observe, Adjust, Observe (3) Eight Steps - Guidance (4) Steps: Skipped, Re-arranged (1) Cyclical Process:
Integration of Action Research Steps Planning: Topic, Literature, Plan Acting: Collecting, Analyzing Data Developing: Action Plan Reflecting: Sharing, Reflecting Planning Stage Acting Developing
I: Identifying and Limiting the Topic What do I want to study? What do I want to examine in depth? What do I want to improve? What do I want to correct? What is manageable? What resources will it require (time, etc.)? What is the 'smallest bite' I can begin with?
II. Gathering Information Information to inform your study Reconnaissance (Mills, 211). Who can you talk with? What materials are available? Reflect on your own beliefs. Internet resources.
III. Reviewing Related Literature What sources of information are available? Professional books, research journals, Web sites, teacher resource manuals, school/district documents, colleagues? How can I (we) review the information? Time line? Priorities? How do we record / collect data?
IV. Developing a Research Plan What is my RESEARCH QUESTION? How will I find the answers? Do I have a hypothesis? Do existing research methodologies fit my project? What do I want to: Measure? Observe? What DATA do I need to collect? How will I collect the DATA?
V: Collecting Data: How do I KISS (Keep it Simple Sweetie!)? Surveys? Do I want to compare one or more practices? Do I want to correlate practice with outcome? Will I use a Control Group? Will I observe someone / something? Will I interview people?
V. Collecting Data Will I analyze existing records? Do I want to use ethnography/ 'thick observation' to answer my question? Is my research ethical? Will I need written permission? What possessed me to start this in the first place?
V: Collecting Data Main categories of data: (a) Observation : field notes (b) Interviews - surveys (c) Existing documents/records * (d) Check lists, rating scales, tests, self- evaluation, etc. Triangulation/Multiple sources?
Vi. Analyzing Data Search for themes as collection begins. Final analysis after all data is collected. Data analysis 'matches' question asked. Quantitative analysis of data? Qualitative analysis of data?
VI: Analyzing Data Action research: analysis less complex than traditional studies. Remember -- this data is for you! Use colleagues, administrators, others to help you. Inductive process -- patterns, similarities.
VII. Developing an Action Plan So What? What do I do now? What strategies can I use to implement the results of my study? How can I monitor the effectiveness of my strategies? Formal Document.
VIII. Communicating Results How can this benefit others in the larger educational community? Who shall I share with? Colleagues? District/School? Local/National Conferences? Publications? Formal Written Document.
IX: Reflecting on the Process Reflect: at END of process Reflect: BEGINNING, MIDDLE, IMPLEMENTATION, too Reflect: With colleagues Reflect: journaling Process of ON-GOING SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT.
References: 1 ) Mertler, C. A. (2012). Improving schools and empowering teachers, 4th ed. Los Angeles: Sage Publishers, 1 - 34.