Certification Treasure Island Presented by Jan Pentek and Kasey Ohrns
The Gold is in the Knowledge Removal of Social Security Number Reciprocity Testing IVP fingerprint card renewal New Special Education rules review Proposed Rule Changes Public Portal
Removal of Social Security Numbers A.R.S.§ 44-1373 prohibits agencies from printing an individual’s Social Security Number on any materials that are mailed. Effective January 1, 2015, all references to Social Security numbers will be removed from certificates. Only the Educator ID will be displayed. Effective January 1, 2015 certificates will be issued on beige paper and have the new Superintendent’s signature.
Reciprocity Reminders To qualify for exam waiver(s), Reciprocal applications should include: -Passing score report(s) for comparable out- of-state exams -“Verification of Teaching Experience” form documenting 3 years of full time teaching (may be used to waive the Professional Knowledge exam). Score reports must show “Passed” Out-of-state exams must be less than 10 years old.
Testing Information Candidates MUST choose Arizona as a reporting state when registering for a NES or AEPA exam ADE will NOT write letters verifying test scores because this information is easily accessible in the Common Logon-HQT application for test history
IVP Fingerprint Renewal Individuals who received an IVP fingerprint card in 2008 will now be renewing their card Unless the AZ DPS card shows “IVP: See Back of Card”, individuals will NOT need to have their fingerprints rolled Individuals will simply complete the “Renewal” section of the IVP application
Special Education Certificate Rule Changes Special Education rule changes effective January 1, 2016: -Align Special Education certificates to the level of severity instead of the disability category. Arizona will issue the following SPED certificates: *Mild to Moderate *Early Childhood *Hearing Impaired *Severe and Profound *Visually Impaired -Early Childhood SPED certificate will increase the age range from 0-5 to Birth-Grade 3 or age 8 -Individuals who hold a Cross Categorical or Specialized SPED certificate(s) will be able to retain these certificates as long as they meet the requirements for renewal Special education rule changes now in effect: -School Psychologist Interim Certificate has been repealed -No new applications will be accepted for the Speech-Language Technician certificate
Proposed Rule Changes Secondary Certificate change: The grade range for the Secondary certificate (7-12) will expand to grades 6-12. Nothing changes for Elementary certificate holders teaching in a middle school or departmentalized setting. Substitute Certificate change: Individuals who ONLY hold a Substitute certificate are limited to 120 days in one classroom however a school district Superintendent can apply for an exemption from this rule. The grade range for the Substitute and Emergency Substitute Certificates will change from K-12 to PreK-12. Individuals who hold a teaching or administrative certificate are not bound by the 120 day limit.
Coming Soon: Public Portal The OACIS public portal will allow parents, educators, and the public to view educator credential information The public portal will display: -Valid and expired educator certificates and endorsements -Certificate deficiencies -The educator’s current position (grade level and subject). -A “Yes” / “No” indication if there is disciplinary history on file for the educator. A “Yes” will only be displayed if formal action was taken by the Board against the educator’s certificate. The public portal will be available to HR personnel with Common Logon access before the portal will “go live” on the Certification home page.
Enter Name, Educator Position, Educator Grade, or Public Educator ID Number:
Search may be narrowed by educator position and grade(s):
“Valid” tab displays all valid certificates “Valid” tab displays all valid certificates. Click “Select” to view approved areas, endorsements, and allowable deficiencies attached to the certificate.
Click on “Expired/Lapsed” to display all certificates that have expired or lapsed. Click “Select” to view approved areas, endorsements, and deficiencies attached to certificate.
District Telephone Line Important Contacts District Telephone Line (602) 542-2378 Department of Public Safety (602) 223-2279 Investigative Unit Charles Easaw (602) 542-2972 Effective Teachers & Leaders (HQ) 602-364-1842 Alternative Certification Certification (602) 542-4367 Teacher Preparation Approval and Teacher Testing Beth Driscoll (602) 364-2191 Structured English Immersion Kelly Koenig ( 602) 542-0753
Certification Staff Executive Director Jan Pentek 602-542-4000 Director of Rules and Process Development Kasey Ohrns Director of Operations Maura Yildirim 602-364-0127 Supervisor Joe Grieco Education Program Specialists Carmen Duran Amanda Miller Maria Wells Certification Specialists Ashley Bennett Carrie Oatis Paulino Valerio Education Project Specialist Monica Imperial Pat Lane Administrative Assistant Josie Luna