Important Forms Pink Forms: These are the school directory forms. Please fill out and drop off in the lobby. PowerSchool Forms: This allows access to your child’s Power School account.
Welcome to 5th Grade Curriculum Night 2017
Agenda Curriculum Expectations Schedule Assessments Field Trips The Leader in Me
Math Curriculum Everyday Math Same format as previous grades; with whole class instruction, partner work, and independent practice. Home Links will be supplemented with more practice as needed
Science Curriculum I will follow the AAPS Atlas units, available on the district website, supplemented with additional activities. Project Lead the Way (called PLTW) STEAM lessons will be delivered daily in September and October by Mr. Moger. Fifth grade topics include Robotics and Automation.
Social Studies Curriculum I will follow the AAPS Atlas units, available on the district website, supplemented with additional activities.
English Language Arts Reading: The fifth graders respond to reading in both writing and discussions. The overall goal is to build a love of reading and create lifelong, thoughtful readers. Most of our units are based on the Ann Arbor Atlas Units, and all are based on the Common Core standards. Writing: Taught by Mrs. Gerhart. She will follow the Atlas units supplemented with fun projects. Spelling/Vocabulary: Incorporated in both reading and writing.
Student Expectations Planners Homework Effort Seek Help Be Responsible, Respectful, & Safe
Specials Schedule Monday Vocal Music, PE (10:30-11:45) Tuesday Art (9:00-10:00) Wednesday IM Rotations (9:05-10:35) Thursday Media (11:00-12:00) Friday IM Rotations (9:05 – 10:35)
State Assessments NWEA (Fall/Spring) MEAP 2.0 (Spring)
Field Trips Greenfield Village (Thursday, October 19) Winter Survival (Late Jan./Early Feb.) Water Park (June)
Class Celebrations Birthday Parties Seasonal Parties Class Goal Reaching Celebrations
Sign Up Genius Sign up for conferences Sign up for room parents/party planners/helpers/guests, etc.