5th grade Curriculum Night Mrs. Jansen & Mrs. Lantz & Mrs. Shakespeare
Communication Weekly Newsletters Agenda Blue Folders Websites SeeSaw
Expectations PBIS Matrix Homework Completion – Reading and Math
5th Math Grade Content Unit 1: Whole Numbers and Order of Operations Unit 2: Measurement and Volume with Whole Numbers Unit 3: Geometry and the Coordinate Plane Unit 4: Adding and Subtracting Fractions Unit 5: Rounding, Adding, and Subtracting Decimals Unit 6: Multiplying and Dividing with Decimals and Fractions
5th Grade ELA Content Unit 1: Launching Reading Workshop Unit 2: Fantasy Book Clubs Unit 3: Nonfiction Text Structures: Expository, Narrative, and Hybrid Nonfiction Unit 4: Historical Fiction and Related Informational Texts Unit 5: Social Issues Book Clubs with Poetry Inclusion Unit 6: Learning Through Reading: Westward Expansion Unit 7: Nonfiction Research Projects
5th Grade Science Content Unit 1: Force and Motion Unit 2: Matter and Energy Unit 3: Weather Unit 4: Living Organisms Unit 5: Ecosystems Unit 6: Evolution and Genetics
5th Grade Social Studies Content Unit 1: Pre-Colonial Era and Colonization Unit 2: Revolutionary War Unit 3: New American Government Unit 4: Westward Expansion Unit 5: Civil War and Reconstruction Unit 6: Personal Financial Literacy
Must Know to Succeed 5th Grade Basic Math Facts Multi-step Word Problems Content Vocabulary Responding to text AS you read Organization Following Directions
Grading NO STANDARDS BASED GRADING! This year we will use traditional numerical grades based on a 10 point scale: A = 90 to 100 % B = 80 to 89% C = 70 to 79% D = 60 to 69% F = 0 - 59% Honor Roll will be awarded at the end of each quarter. This will include ”All A” and ” A/B” Honor Roll.
Conferences Will be scheduled with Homeroom teachers for the end of the quarter. We would like students to attend, if available, to share their goals and progress. Teachers will send an email to sign up in a few weeks. You may contact content teachers to conference on an as needed basis.
Save the Date Dare Graduation: February 16, 2018 Details will follow on logistics Fifth Grade “Moving Up” Ceremony: June 7, 2018 W. R. Odell Elementary School Three Separate Ceremonies (by team) Times and Number of Guests per Student: TBA