Curriculum Evening Thursday 28th September 2017
What does an attendance rate of 90% look like? If you have a 90% attendance record, it means that you are absent from lessons for the equivalent of one half-day every week. A 90% attendance rate means that you have missed the equivalent of four whole weeks of lessons in the school year.
If your attendance rate is at 90% throughout KS3 and KS4 (5 years) you have missed the equivalent of about one half of a school year. 1 in 5 pupils miss 19 days a year- these pupils will drop at least ONE GCSE GRADE 1-4 GCSE grades can increase your wages by 17% 5 or more GCSE A- C grades can increase your wages by 41% If you improve your attendance by 1% you could see a 5- 6% improvement in your attainment
At KS2 – each one session (half day) reduces your child’s likelihood of achieving at expected levels by 0.2% and reduces by 0.4% exceeding expected levels. Pupils with no absence are 1.3 times more likely to achieve expected levels and 3.1 times more likely to exceed expected levels than pupils who miss 10-15% of all sessions.
Employees with no qualifications earn an average of just £7 Employees with no qualifications earn an average of just £7.44 per hour. Those with only GCSE’s earn £9.02 per hour. People with A-levels earned an average of £10.27 per hour. Students who graduate from university with a degree earn an average of £15.01
Lateness = Lost Learning Lateness = Lost Learning*(Figures below are calculated over a school year) 5 minutes late each day 3 days lost! 10 minutes late each day 6.5 days lost! 15 minutes late each day 10 days lost! 20 minutes late each day 13 days lost! 30 minutes late each day 19 days lost!
missed in Academic Year Attendance Approximate Days missed in Academic Year 100% 95% 10 90% 20 85% 30 80% 40
What Every Parent Needs to Know Dr Nadia Rahman
When and where to seek help Traffic Light Warning Where to seek help Green signs: Watch and wait at home Simple remedies Chemist Amber signs: GP Walk in centres Red signs: GP / A&E Mum knows best / Home remedies - Minor ailment services This means certain pharmacies can supply medicines for certain conditions on the NHS. They can supply medicines for certain conditions and you'll only pay the standard prescription charge. If you're exempt from paying prescription charges – you won't pay for the medicine. Just ask at your local pharmacy. GP / Walk-in centre Wound care, strains and sprains, minor cuts, infected wounds, long term illness care etc LIFE THREATENING PROBLEMS - Accident and Emergency (A&E) Severe head injuries / loss of consciousness, Deep cuts (stitches), foreign bodies, suspected broken bones or heavy blood loss, persistent chest pain or difficulty breathing, overdose or poisoning etc
School exclusion Public Health ENGLAND Illness Time to be kept away from school Shingles Exclude only if rash is weeping and cannot be covered Scabies Return after first treatment Scarlet fever* Return 24 hours after starting appropriate antibiotic treatment Diarrhoea and / or Vomiting 48 hrs from the last episode Impetigo Until lesions crusted, or 48 hrs after starting antibiotic treatment Measles* 4 days from onset of rash Chickenpox* 5 days from the onset of rash Mumps 5 days after onset of swelling Whooping Cough (Pertussis) 5 days from starting antibiotics German measles (rubella)* 6 days from onset of rash Hepatitis A 7 days after onset of jaundice Flu (influenza) Until recovered Meningitis TB Specialist will advise
Prevention - Good Hygiene Handwashing Handwashing is one of the most important ways of controlling the spread of infections, especially those that cause diarrhoea and vomiting, and respiratory disease. The recommended method is the use of liquid soap, warm water and paper towels. Always wash hands after using the toilet, before eating or handling food, and after handling animals. Cover all cuts and abrasions with waterproof dressings. Coughing and sneezing Coughing and sneezing easily spread infections. Children and adults should be encouraged to cover their mouth and nose with a tissue. Wash hands after using or disposing of tissues. Spitting should be discouraged.
What Grove Are Doing
We talk positively about good attendance We celebrate good attendance
Each week the classes with the best attendance are rewarded
On Friday, every child with 100% attendance enters our attendance raffle. Look out for the prize cupboard.
On classroom doors the classes attendance is posted and those with 100% get a special certificate.
Each term, every child with 100% attendance receives a prize stationary pack.
Every term, the class with the best attendance have £50 for classroom toys.
At the end of the year, every child with 100% attendance receive a book token.