South American Independence
Spanish Empire in the Americas
Social Classes in Spanish Colonies From Highest to Lowest Pennisulares – People born in Spain and then came to the Americas Creoles – People born in the Americas but had Spanish parents Mestizos – One Spanish, one native parents Indians – The native population
Why Did S. America Rebel Napoleon replaces the Spanish monarchy The rich Creoles in South America saw this as an opportunity to become independent Not excepted by all people in South America
The Two Greatest Leaders Simon Bolivar Jose de San Martin
Simon Bolivar Born in Venezuela in 1783 Inherited a fortune and was from a very wealthy family Known as “El Liberator” Was strongly tied to South America and made it his goal to gain independence for NW South America
Given command of the army of New Grenada (Columbia) Invades Venezuela to remove a Spanish-backed dictator (even though most of the poor backed the dictator) Earns him the nickname “El Liberator His military record is dotted w/ many losses though Will continue and liberate Ecuador and Columbia Though he was not the best military leader and is exiled several times Aided heavily by mercenaries and privateers
Bolivar’s Dream Bolivar wanted a untied South America Began with the nation of Gran Columbia Ecuador, Columbia, and Venezuela The nations do not stay united for long The nations start fighting w/ each other for land
The Flags of Former Gran Columbia Venezuela Ecuador
Bolivar’s Legacy Despite being bitter and hated at his death in 1830, Bolivar is still regarded as a hero Bolivia was named after him Venezuelan money is name Bolivars Ecuadorian money was known as “Sucre” after Bolivar’s general in Ecuador
Jose de San Martin Born in Argentina Argentina’s greatest hero Responsible for the independence of Southern South America Including Argentina and Chile
Meeting in Guayaquil, Ecuador Bolivar and de San Martin meet only once in Guayaquil, Ecuador What was said is not known, but it is believed that it was about the government’s of the new countries Bolivar wanted a democracy de San Martin wanted a monarchy Bolivar wins
Liberated by Bolivar Liberated by de San Martin