Welcome! Kindergarten 2016-17 Talk about myself a little. Cupcakes on the table. Kindergarten 2016-17
Clipboards Birthday/Playdate list Class email list Conferences Also talk about paper and pens on the table to write down questions.
Be PAWSitive Show respect Work toward your personal best Act responsibly Practice safety Show a pride paw on the document camera Ask for Pride book signatures School wide Pride Paw
Daily Schedule
Beginning Routines Welcome Check in Jobs Flag Salute Calendar Wheel of Fortune
Reading *Daily reading-Our reading program includes reading aloud, shared reading, individual and small groups using a variety of text including big books, fiction and nonfiction books. *Benchmark- The core of the Northshore language arts program. Benchmark is filled with a variety of literature. It is tailored to each students' reading level through level E and it allows teachers to deliver differentiated instruction through the use of its materials. *Bear Creek also has a large library of leveled books that go all the way to Z Mention the cost of Scholastic ($6.25) and the letter Lucy Calkins, Benchmark, Book Room, Reader’s Workshop, Raz Kids, Songs, Scholastic
Writing *Daily reading-Our reading program includes reading aloud, shared reading, individual and small groups using a variety of text including big books, fiction and nonfiction books. Narrative, opinion, how-to writing. Books in the spring *Benchmark- The core of the Northshore language arts program. Benchmark is filled with a variety of literature. It is tailored to each students' reading level through level E and it allows teachers to deliver differentiated instruction through the use of its materials. *Bear Creek also has a large library of leveled books that go all the way to Z *Words Their Way is a curriculum that helps students find spelling patterns in words, something that helps with both writing and reading. *Zoophonics—a method of teaching a rhyme with each letter and sound to help students connect the two. Benchmark, Lucy Calkins & Continuum, Conferencing, Words Their Way, Zoophonics, Weekend News
Pre-writing activities, Zaner-Bloser Handwriting Pre-writing activities, Zaner-Bloser Handwriting- We teach the correct way to hold a pencil, correct letter formation, and focus on building strength in those developing muscles. The curriculum used is Zaner-Bloser. Handy Learning is used at the beginning of the year. These are activities that build strong muscles.
Lunch choices, opening items, the playground, Problem Solving Wheel Lunch & Recess Lunch choices, opening items, the playground, Problem Solving Wheel
Specialists Music with Ms. Hoffman P.E. with Mrs. Geoghagan in the gym Library next door with Mrs. Pumputis Music- Music is taught by Mrs. Sandusky 2 times per week. We also sing many songs in the classroom and each student has his/her own Poetry & Song Book. Physical Education- P.E. is taught by Mrs. Hance 2 times per week. She also sends out newsletters regularly so that you know what the students are working on. Library- Mrs. Pumputis teaches lessons every Wednesday in the library and instructs students on how to choose appropriate books.
Snack Time Quiet time for now.
Math Expressions, Math Stations, Homework & Folders Math Expressions- The core of the Northshore mathematics program. The program is designed to go beyond teaching just the basic arithmetic operations to include the teaching of all of the state content standards. Remember I CAN Keys, Reading Logs Recess on Tuesdays with 4th grade buddies.
Art Docent, Celebrations Choice Time Art Docent, Celebrations
Science Mrs. K, In Class Units FOSS Kits- Kindergarten studies “Wood & Paper” and “Animals 2 X 2”. These lessons are taught by our science teacher who is generously provided by our ABC Auction funds. In Class Units- We study pumpkins, trees, amphibians, and weather in depth with as much of a hands-on approach as we are able. Mrs. K, In Class Units
But there’s more! Computers Problem Solving Buddies Art Docent
Field Trips October, February, May
Star of the Week! Poster, classroom privileges, sharing the poster on Friday Talk about birthday treats, full weeks, summer birthdays
Progress Reports and Report Cards Talk about when to expect them, comments, consistent communication **Show website Copies on your table
Bear Creek Auction Self program Science Playground supervision Playground activities
Communication Call or email Newsletters on Fridays on the website Set up an appointment Dismissal changes Mention the filter,50% rule
Finally… Volunteering and paperwork Write a note to your child Scholastic Folders PTA Handouts Ask questions Find your child’s Weekend News Go through the volunteer sheet