Enlightenment & Revolutions Vocab. Across 1. rule by the people; a type of government whose primary goals is to create an equality of rights and opportunities 3. the revolution that ended the autocratic rule of monarchs in France 4. type of government in which one person has absolute or total power 5. the conflict started when the American colonies declared themselves independent from the English governing 8. officials who are elected by the people to make laws and decisions for the people 11. a.k.a the Bloodless Revolution; The conflict that made William and Mary Protestant rulers of England without "a shot being fired" 14. a movement based on humanism that believed that human reason could improve society, esp. government 15. a period of violence and rule by fear during the French Revolution led by Robespierre 16. an attempt to overthrow or change the government 17. a type of legislature (law making body); used in Great Britain for example 18. a monarchy where the ruler has all power and believes that this power comes from god Down 2. type of government where the monarch's power is limited by written law 6. the many revolutions that freed the countries of Central and South America from the rule of monarchs of Spain 7. lands and people (often settlers) who are controlled by a distant government 9. economic system where colonies can only buy and sell goods with their Mother Country 10. basic laws and principles written down and used to govern a country 12. a prison that symbolized the monarchy of France and which was attacked to start the French Revolution 13. a conflict between the English Parliament (the Roundheads) and those who supported a divine right monarch (the cavaliers) Enlightenment & Revolutions Vocab.