M. Belbéoch, belbeoch@jcommops.org http://argo.jcommops.org 8 June 2018 Global Argo Status M. Belbéoch, belbeoch@jcommops.org http://argo.jcommops.org
Outline Overview Implementation Data Flow Instrumentation Operations 8 June 2018 Overview Implementation Data Flow Instrumentation Operations Biogeochemical Argo
Executive Summary Argo is doing very well, … IMPLEMENTATION 8 June 2018 Argo is doing very well, … IMPLEMENTATION New design & targets: Global Argo = ~3800 floats Atlantic Ocean optimal – deploy the excess in the Southern Ocean Indian Ocean optimal Pacific Ocean lightly over populated but clusters of old floats developing Southern Ocean half implemented (improving) – strong seasonal bias for RT data. DATA FLOW Optimize real-time distribution and delays Challenge to re-process data files in delayed-mode (68% achieved) INSTRUMENTATION Float reliability keeps progressing
Global Argo Design Target = ~3800 floats and optimal coverage, double density in Marginal Seas
Performance Indicators Implementation – Activity Global array optimal (quantitatively) – on light decrease Atlantic Ocean optimal Indian Ocean optimal Pacific Ocean lightly over populated (WBC and Equatorial pilot projects) Southern Ocean half implemented (improving)
Key Performance Indicators Implementation – Intensity of deployments Global array deployments optimal – send excess to Southern Ocean Atlantic Ocean 25% over seeding (may not be required) Pacific Ocean optimal Indian Ocean optimal Southern Ocean optimal (to be sustained)
Key Performance Indicators 8 June 2018 Implementation – Data Spatial Coverage Monthly Global: good. To review metric and target (too conservative) Atlantic Ocean - good Pacific Ocean - very good. Indian Ocean - good Southern Ocean – poor (seasonal bias with real-time data and deployments)
Key Performance Indicators 8 June 2018 Implementation – Data Spatial Coverage Yearly Global: good. Atlantic Ocean – very good Pacific Ocean - very good. Indian Ocean - good Southern Ocean – poor
National contributions 3804 floats are fully operational amongst the 4016 registered. New contribution from Peru (via WHOI donations)
Argo Equivalent (9%), Argo Bio (8%), Argo Deep (0.4%). Networks Argo Equivalent (9%), Argo Bio (8%), Argo Deep (0.4%).
A year of Argo monthly observations (gaps in blue). Spatial Coverage A year of Argo monthly observations (gaps in blue).
Latest monthly observations (gaps in blue). Spatial Coverage Latest monthly observations (gaps in blue).
Network Growth Network evolution – light decrease Distinct floats distributing observations at GDACs (monthly).
Future? Network Evolution – trajectory 1000 units/year; 20% failure rate/year; 0.03 inflation rate
Life Expectancy Float reliability has been slowly progressing and new floats generation seems promising
Distribution of operational floats by country Implementation Distribution of operational floats by country
Operational floats evolution, by national contribution. Implementation Operational floats evolution, by national contribution.
Operational floats evolution, by national contribution. Implementation Operational floats evolution, by national contribution. Zoom (no USA).
Simple float density as of 01/10/2016, 6°x6°. Implementation Simple float density as of 01/10/2016, 6°x6°.
Age = (Latest Observation date – Deployment date). Implementation Age = (Latest Observation date – Deployment date).
Old (red) / young (blue) spatial clusters. Implementation Old (red) / young (blue) spatial clusters.
Implementation float density: decimal floats, weighted by their probability to survive one year
Please keep updating your deployment plans for 2016 (and 2017) Implementation Please keep updating your deployment plans for 2016 (and 2017)
Simple density including deployment plans. Implementation Simple density including deployment plans.
Data Flow
Performance Indicators
Data Flow Confirm float status (e.g. deployment failure) or enable data distribution.
Delays at IFREMER are rather good, except for a few DACs. Data Flow Delays at IFREMER are rather good, except for a few DACs.
Slightly better delays at NRL-MRY Data Flow Slightly better delays at NRL-MRY
Data Flow GDACs Delays, by DAC. India is transiting to a new data processing chains (should improve)
Ifremer is adding 3h to data distribution in average. (to investigate) Data Flow Ifremer is adding 3h to data distribution in average. (to investigate)
A month of observations (at IFREMER) by DAC. Data Flow A month of observations (at IFREMER) by DAC.
A view on sampling levels. Data Flow A view on sampling levels.
A try to identify spatial trends in lower quality PSAL profiles. Data Flow A try to identify spatial trends in lower quality PSAL profiles.
A try to identify spatial trends in lower quality TEMP profiles. Data Flow 8 June 2018 A try to identify spatial trends in lower quality TEMP profiles.
Data Flow Data flow: All observations : 20 Obs/Day. Delayed-Mode QC Achieved/DMQC_ELIGIBLE ratio = 68%. 2/3 of the challenge resides in regular Argo programmes
Models evolution. Market leader on decrease since 2012. Instrumentation Models evolution. Market leader on decrease since 2012.
Instrumentation Models evolution - Zoom (no APEX) Clear increasing trend for ARVOR, NAVIS_A, SOLO_II and S2A. NOVA
By float model, floats deployed since 2005 Reliability By float model, floats deployed since 2005
Distribution of operational floats by model Instrumentation Distribution of operational floats by model
Instrumentation 51% Argos, 48% Iridium.
Instrumentation Telecommunication Types Evolution. Not all partners are switching to Iridium. New: Beidou
5. Operations
Key 2016 Ships .
Cruise Plans Some cruise plans registered @jcommops Check our website for more information.
Biogeochemical Argo
Executive Summary 8 June 2018 Biogeochemical Argo needs to double the effort to reach its target and implement the full package (6 sensors) on all floats IMPLEMENTATION Activity stabilizing at 30% Intensity of deployments 45% to be doubled DATA FLOW Optimize real-time distribution and delays, in cooperation with existing Argo National Data Centres INSTRUMENTATION Sensor diversity progressing (data availability by sensor to be checked) But 45% of the network is Oxygen only
Performance Indicators Biogeochemical Argo Performance Indicators
Growth of operational floats (monthly distinct floats at GDACs) Biogeochemical Argo Growth of operational floats (monthly distinct floats at GDACs)
National Contributions Some key Argo national programme are missing
National Contributions Growth of operational floats (monthly distinct floats at GDACs)
Sensor Types
Growth in float capabilities (BGC data availability not checked) Sensor Types Growth in float capabilities (BGC data availability not checked)