Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam BASIC COMPETENCE : To draw master plan of beaming floor and its lay out setting. Menggambar detail penulangan balok To draw in detailed of beam boning system Membuat daftar tulangan balok beton bertulang pada gambar. To list some properties of making bone-structured beam Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam A. To describe bone-structured beam The beam will get burden from the present plat that available on it. The burden on the beam brings about drawing, crowd and moving power. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam A bone-structured beam is able to bear the above burden on the equal pole, so it will be powerless in bearing the draw from under the pole except it is provided by solid-structured bone of the concrete reinforce. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam When bone-structured bar was under the beam, precisely at the outer surface of the draw, so the bearing power of the beam is not depended on the drawing power of the solid beam and it make the beam stronger in bearing such a burden. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing a Map of Concrete Reinforced reinforce In order to get extra benefit from the system of bone-structured reinforce the concrete should be coated and put as closely as possible. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing a Map of Concrete Reinforced reinforce Some criteria for beaming construction techniques Concrete decking on the block minimally for construction : Coating and beaming construction – Di dalam (depth) : 2,0 cm – Di luar (surface) : 2,5 cm – Tidak kelihatan (thickness) : 3,0 cm Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam the reinforce concrete should be suitable with the necessity that is required by the concrete construction standards. there is at least a bar of concrete structure along the beam. the diameter of main concrete at least 12 mm. the interval from the pole of concrete is not more than 15 cm and the real interval is 3 cm at the parts that bear maximal burden. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam the requirements that define concrete reinforce the width of main concrete reinforce (at least 0.5 % (from the width of beaming a.b) (the maximum interval 20 o of concrete reinforce) (the maximum interval is 30 cm) Begel : Max width is 0,2 % (from the width a.X) Jarak Begel : x ≤ a x ≤ 30 cm x ≤ 25 Φ concrete construction of the begal x ≤ ⅔ for movable area Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam On the T beam can be stuck the open begel if the following requirements are fulfiled the edge of the begel should be modified by a circle hook and lean up position. In bending a hook should be a long bar. - the open side of the begel should be coverd by the concrete reinforce towards the floor in fit stright position on the beam. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam Open Beugel The advantage of using the open begel towards the concrete reinforce is to be able to make the processa of concrete reinforce faster. The frame of concrete structure of reinforce have to be filled one by one. If there is some net, it will make easer to fill the concrete reinforce ( it does not cut mes reinforcement). > = 150 mm. The reinforcement continues. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam Avoid the reinforce setting in two levels for the importance of the main concrete reinforce. If the interval of reinforce on the lower and higher side is 30 cm, so it should be set extra reinforce. The extra extra reinforce (montage) for the tall beam, especially for those that have 90 cm or larger at least 10%. The width of main larger reinforce that have minimal 8 mm for the soft steel, 6 mm for hard steel. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam If the movable power of the concrete works less than the movable power of concrete, the begel can be arranged based on the concrete under the interval less than 30 cm Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam If the movable power of the concrete works, there will be two things happen: Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam The movable power that works totally 100% can be depended by the resembled reinforcement according to justification in general. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam If he movable can be depended by the scrambled concrete and the slanted position, 50 % of the burden is provided by resembled reinforcment Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam The length of connecting reinforcement to guidance reinforcement 100% must be continued minimally as long as 12 d ; h ; 1/16 l b (taken the longest), then 1/3 is continued as long as Ld, then it is continued ¼ as long as Ld (Ld = 1,4 Ld’) where Ld’ can be seen in thelist of distributing reinforce. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam When there is connecting reinforce, so long of joining through it at : For pressing reinforce, long of joining more than 40 d to 50 d in accord with concrete. For pulling einforce, long of joining more than minimally 1.3 Ld (Ld – 1.4 Ld’ without hook. Supporting reinforce must be installed cymmetric, (lower supporting reinforce must be installed minimally the same with upper supporting reinforce). Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam Reinforcing Cantilever Block Cantilever Block is a block which is one of its edge has clamping support and the other edge hungs freely. Cantilever block which suports heavy burden of gravitacy accepts negative moment to all of length of its block. Its result cantilever block reinforce is put at upper part or side withdraw. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam For the stick like in this picture, maximum moment happened at the profil of its place. The result that most of big reinforce are needed at this point. Reinforcement is not only at support, it must be lengthened or anchorred on concrete at the outside support. This lengthening is called some of distributing (development length). Length of this distributing must not be stright like at the picture, because reinforce will be attached at 90° or 180°. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam B. Designing a plan of reinforcement conrete beam To design concrete beam is started from map planning, and plan of putting beam. Beam reinforcement can be got after doing calculating of beam reinforcement. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam Step of Bea Caculation: Determining beam burden. Calculating beam burden. Calculating detail of beam moment Calculating reinforcement beam Calculating voltages control by pressing and pulling Calculating voltages control by moving and rotating Calculating Control placing reinforcement Calculating detail beam internal moment. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam C. Drawing A Plan of Reinforcement Concrete Beam. Example Scheme Plan of Beaming Flor and its placing Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam D. Drawing Detail Block Reinforcement Example : Drawing the Detail Block Reinforcement. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam the end Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Drawing A Plan Of Reinforce Concrete Beam Thank you Compiled by : Rina D. Kania.S.P SMK Negeri 2 Tasikmalaya Teknologi dan Rekayasa