Danielle Chaussinand Lauren Stutt Alaa Fadli Jason Kafader Super Shot Danielle Chaussinand Lauren Stutt Alaa Fadli Jason Kafader
Overview Start with a raised pendulum. Continue energy with dominoes. Then dominoes release a gate holding marble. Marble then travels down ramp. Finish with a buzzer beater to win the game. (A tribute to one more year for Chris Lofton)
Design/Construction Issues Sturdiness of structure Reliability of dominoes Marble fitting through tube Enough height for marble to have max speed at launch. Way to release the marble.
Energy Conversions Domino pendulum swing. Stairs/Domino tumble Converts gravitational potential to kinetic energy. Stairs/Domino tumble Gain in gravitational potential energy. Marble Ramp Turns gravitational potential into kinetic energy (speed) at bottom.
Conclusions Had to turn ramp around to allow domino to fall and release gate. Lots of energy was lost in incalculable forms.