What are the Factors that Affect the Rate of Weathering?
Does sugar dissolve faster in ice coffee or hot coffee?
Variable temperatures (above freezing to below freezing) and Wet Climate Variable temperatures (above freezing to below freezing) and Wet Warm and Wet (Moist) Warm water will dissolve minerals faster than cool water. Physical/ mechanical weathering As temps change btn below and above freezing ice wedging can occur
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Rock Resistance Which layer was the least resistant to weathering? Which was most resistant? Harder minerals and rocks are more resistant and the rocks will weather less. Softer minerals and rocks weather faster
Surface Area Are your hands warmer in mittens or gloves? Hands are warmer in mittens because less surface area is exposed to the air. Ms V has a nice cup of yummy coffee, she wants to add sugar before drinking it, but she NEEDS to drink it ASAP!! Should she use a sugar cube or spoon of granulated sugar?
Surface Area As particle size decreases surface area increases. SMALLER PARTICLES DISSOLVE FASTER As surface area increases the rate of weathering increases
Pollution Pollution increases the amounts of acids in the air and this will increase the amount of chemical weathering.