Cotton Candy By:Lathan Howe
The reason I chose this The reason I chose this is because I like cotton candy and I wanted to learn how to make it and what kinds there are.
When cotton candy was invented Cotton candy was invented by two men, here are there names John C. Wharton, and William Morrison. The year they invented it in was 1897 in Nashville, Tennessee.
Home made cotton candy Ingredients 5 cups granulated sugar 1and 1/3 cups light corn syrup 1 cup plus 2 tbsp. water Flavoring (vanilla extract or other like peppermint extract) Food color paste (or liquid) Vegetable baking spray
These are the websites I used
facts about cotton candy Cotton candy used to be called Fairy Floss. America celebrates National Cotton Candy Day on December 7th In 1920 fairy floss was re-named cotton candy Cotton candy contains only one ingredient: sugar
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