Actual development, problems and their potential solutions in the transborder claims handling Mariusz W. Wichtowski Istanbul 5.03.2012
Agenda General remarks Some historical aspects Green Card System vs MID Claims settlement Potential risks Aims for the future
Some statistics Members of the GC System 46 Multilateral Agreement 33 GC basis 13
Some statistics Population of Europe 715 million No of vehilcles 350 million EU yearly died 50.000 EU yearly injured 150.000
Green Card Claims 2010 381.353 2009 345.746 2005 342.963 2000 337.361 1999 291.730
Some statistics
Green Card Claims over 1,7 billion Euro
Protection of visitors No statistics
Partners in claims handling Bureaux Agents Correspondents Claims representatives Compesation bodies Guarantee funds
Integration and protection Green Card System 1949 EU Directives
Objectives Free flow of cross border traffic Guarantee to victims
Forms of regulations Domestic Bilateral Multilateral
Aim of regulations Consumer protection
Who is consumer? * Insured * Victim
Are there any problems? Not sufficient shield on victims Diferent level of protection Luck of practical experience
Why protection of both systems?
Why? To protect consumers To protect international insurance markets
Correspondents Negative expirience No reaction vs insurers on time due to commercial reasons Not sufficient cooperation with insurers Luck of trust Luck of cooperation with national bureaux
Claims representatives Formal establishment Narrow proxy Luck of comunication with insurer Passive behavior vs victims Low expirience in foreign law
Indentified risks Economical world crisis Bancruptcies of insurers Delay of paymants Lack of trust Luck of financial discipline Fraud
Potencial solutions Tighten the financial discipline Monitoring of financial stability Introducin of financial criteria Permament training Fight against fraud
Fraud – new challenge? Is there any conection between the activity of the Green Card System and fraud problems? Should we together look for any solution? Who is the final payer?
Aims for the future Equal rights for the road users Real guaranties for victims One aim different methods Any common solution?
Thank you for your attention!