Read the question and choose 1 answer. This is a MCQ Quiz. Read the question and choose 1 answer.
A. English Premier League Qn 1. Which football league is considered to be the toughest in Europe? A. English Premier League Click to answer B. Italian Seri A Click to answer C. Spanish La Liga Click to answer D. German Bundersliga Click to answer
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Yes! Correct answer.
A. Liverpool B. Barcelona C. Real Madrid D. Manchester United Qn 2. Which football Club in Spanish La Liga has won the Champions League the most number of times? A. Liverpool Click to answer B. Barcelona Click to answer C. Real Madrid Click to answer D. Manchester United Click to answer
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Yes! Correct answer.
A. Manchester United B. Liverpool C. Arsenal D. Chelsea Qn 3. Which football Club is the most successful in the English Premier League? A. Manchester United Click to answer B. Liverpool Click to answer C. Arsenal Click to answer D. Chelsea Click to answer
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Yes! Correct answer.