Microbial fuel cell (MFC)


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Presentation transcript:

Microbial fuel cell (MFC) By: Maryam Behmanesh


Types of Energy sources Renewable Nonrenewable - Solar energy - Wind energy - Energy of sea waves - Hydroelectric energy - Terrestrial energy - plant fuels or biomass - Hydrogen Fossil fuels Nuclear fuels

Baghdad battery Discovered in 1970 History Baghdad Battery Baghdad battery Discovered in 1970

A fuel cell is an electrochemical cell that converts the chemical energy from a fuel in to electricity through an electrochemical reaction of hydrogen-containing fuel with oxygen or another oxidizing agent

Review Daniell cell

Type of fuel cells (PEMFC) (AFC) (PAFC) (MCFM) (MFC) (FFC) (Zn-Air FC) (SOFC) (DMFC)  Ceramic fuel cell

What is Microbial fuel cell ?

Design of microbial fuel cells Nafion Membranes

Electron Transfer Mechanisms Direct Transfer Electron Shuttling Nanowires

Microbial Fuel Cells

Examples of microbial-based fuel cells Microbe Substrate Anode Voltage E coli Glucose Pt- C-cloth 625mV Bacillus subtilis Vitreous Carbon 640mV Acetate Graphite felt 250mV Pseudomonas methanica Methane Pt-black 550mV Proteus vulgaris Sucrose Carbon rod 350mV

Electromicrobiology 1988-Geobacter can recover organic pollutants and heavy metals and consume iron oxide in the environment. Alteromonas putrefaciens could convert solid manganese to soluble matter, and since it could grow in aerobic conditions, it was easy to work.

How to transfer electrons from bacterial membranes? Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 nanowires

Use microbial fuel cell for Wastewater treatment Heavy metals & Sulfide is a very dangerous ion that is commonly found in waste water.

Applications of MCF cell Wastewater such as: Household wastewater Food wastewater such as: Dairy Starch production Chocolate Rice processing Cereals Brewing Meat processing … biological computers

Using Xanthan 80 (SF) on enhancing the Performance of Solid Microbial Fuel Cell Xanthan 80(SF) can enhance the power performance of SMFC significantly because of its excellent ability on keeping the compost moist throughout and preventing the gravitational effect from the accumulation of water at the bottom of the chamber. These findings will be useful to modification of SMFC in the future.
