Bless our gift, sanc-ti-fy it Lord, Grant us Thy grace and bless-ing. Chorus: (C35) ALMIGHTY GOD WE OFFER THEE Bless our gift, sanc-ti-fy it Lord, Grant us Thy grace and bless-ing.
Al-migh-ty God, we of-fer Thee our gift Thy Son to be, Verse 1: (C35) ALMIGHTY GOD WE OFFER THEE Al-migh-ty God, we of-fer Thee our gift Thy Son to be, the spotless host on the pa-ten raised, our sins to be e-rased.
Bless our gift, sanc-ti-fy it Lord, Grant us Thy grace and bless-ing. Chorus: (C35) ALMIGHTY GOD WE OFFER THEE Bless our gift, sanc-ti-fy it Lord, Grant us Thy grace and bless-ing.
The chalice of wine, we lift to Thee our Saviour’s blood will be. Verse 2: (C35) ALMIGHTY GOD WE OFFER THEE The chalice of wine, we lift to Thee our Saviour’s blood will be. Re-ceive it, Lord, ac--cept us too humble, con-trite, true.
Bless our gift, sanc-ti-fy it Lord, Grant us Thy grace and bless-ing. Chorus: (C35) ALMIGHTY GOD WE OFFER THEE Bless our gift, sanc-ti-fy it Lord, Grant us Thy grace and bless-ing.
Gladness and pity and passion and pain, All that is mor-tal in man, Verse 3: (C35) ALMIGHTY GOD WE OFFER THEE Gladness and pity and passion and pain, All that is mor-tal in man, lay all before Him, re-turn Him his gift, God…, to whom all shall go home.
Bless our gift, sanc-ti-fy it Lord, Grant us Thy grace and bless-ing. Chorus: (C35) ALMIGHTY GOD WE OFFER THEE Bless our gift, sanc-ti-fy it Lord, Grant us Thy grace and bless-ing.