Workshop on Institutional Frameworks for Sustainable Development Cluster 4 Presentation At the 11th Session of the RCM 15 November 2010
Outline Background Objectives of the Workshop Workshop Format Expected Outcomes Outputs Documentation Participants Dates and Venue
Background United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) Established by UNCED- monitor implementation of Agenda 21 (A-21) WSSD- called for its strengthening, integrate the three pillars of SD ECA Committee on Sustainable Development Follow up to the implementation of the outcomes major conferences on SD at the regional level Provides platforms for RIMs, feed into CSD Sessions National Councils for Sustainable Development (NCSDs) and National Strategies for Sustainable Development (NSSDs) NCSDs- coordinate national-level implementation of SD commitments NSSDs- operationalize SD, balanced and integrated development African regional and sub-regional organizations Transformation of the OAU to AU in 2001 Articulation of NEPAD- framework for SD AUC, NPCA, RECs and AfDB- shaping Africa’s SD agenda UNCSD (2012)- “Rio+20” Regional preparatory process- opportunity to further define institutional frameworks for SD in Africa
Objectives Main Objective of the Workshop: Examine and adequately define the institutional framework for SD in Africa Existing institutions at regional and sub-regional levels Examine institutions, policies and strategies at the national level Extent to which institutions incorporate the requirement of SD, including balanced and integrated development and inter Provide the opportunity to disseminate the findings of the ECA-led studies on NCSDs and NSSDs and obtain updates Promote experience sharing and knowledge network Outputs to inform the Africa report to Rio+20 on Institutional Frameworks for Sustainable Development
Workshop Format Presentation on the UNCSD Presentation on role of the body and how it ensures effective linkages with regional and national level processes Regional and sub-regional level institutions Presentations by AUC, NPCA, AfDB, RECs, ECA, UN agencies, CSOs- roles in supporting SD agenda, institutional frameworks, strengths and weaknesses and adequacy Interactive discussions To agree on frameworks that are responsive to the requirements of sustainable development NEPAD as a framework for SD in Africa Review the extent to which NEPAD integrates the different dimensions of SD in a balanced manner- priorities and implementation modalities, linkages and intergenerational equity NCSDs and NSSDs Establishment and operationalization of NCSDs Development and implementation of NSSDs Updates by selected institutions and member States Interactive discussions on main issues arising and recommendations
Expected Outcomes Improved appreciation of the importance of effective institutions at the regional, subregional and national levels to ensure coherence and effective coordination in the implementation of Africa’s sustainable development agenda; Improved understanding on the role of different actors in promoting appropriate institutions, policies and strategies for sustainable development at regional, subregional and national levels; Consensus on the institutional frameworks for sustainable development at the different levels; and Increased commitment and momentum to support the establishment and operationalization of well functioning NCSDs and the development and effective implementation of NSSDs in Africa.
Outputs Workshop report, including: well-informed sets of practical and action oriented recommendations Establishment of effectively functioning institutions for sustainable development at the regional, sub-regional and national levels and Accelerating the development and implementation of sustainable development policies and strategies at these levels Recent documentation on NCSDs and NSSDs in Africa Press releases Web publications
Documentation In addition to those to be subsequently provided by partners: Aide memoire Report on National Councils for Sustainable Development Report on National Strategies for Sustainable Development Sustainable Development Report on Africa: Five-Year Review of the Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development Outcomes in Africa (WSSD+5) …; …..;
Participants Representatives from government ministries/agencies responsible for environment, national development planning and key social sectors- education, population and health; AUC, the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA), African Development Bank (AfDB) and Regional Economic Communities (RECs); Civil society organizations; and UN Agencies and Development Partners
Dates and Venue 14 to 16 February 2011 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC)
Thank you