Effective Presentations
Standard Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task.
Presentation length (4 – 6 minutes) Before you start… Consider Purpose Audience Content Presentation length (4 – 6 minutes) adapted from The Purdue OWL
General Tips Keep it simple! Avoid too much text on the slide. Avoid fancy backgrounds that make your text hard to read (Text over pictures and dark backgrounds are hard to read) Make sure the font size is easy to read (anything under size 28 is too small)
Graphics – Keep it Simple
What’s wrong with this slide?
What to do… Have a plan for organizing your PowerPoint Choose the most relevant information. Make sure graphics do not interfere with text and support your information. Use PowerPoint as a guide - not something to read from word for word.
Have a plan… How will you introduce your topic? (Overview? Anecdote?) Organize body of presentation. Include a conclusion that is not – this is the end of my presentation
Doing research? Make sure all information from another source – whether it is a summary, paraphrase, or quote – has an in text citation. If you look anything up, you need a Works Cited Page
Standard Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling
Practice! Make sure your presentation is between 4 – 6 minutes Practice by yourself, with an audience. Check your email to make sure the attachment is correct and opens.