How To Deliver Effective Presentations


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Presentation transcript:

How To Deliver Effective Presentations Arrows in Action

Take A Guess…. According to statistics, what percent of the population is comfortable getting up in front of an audience?

The Answer is…. Only 4 %

Strive for the Five C’s Confident Credible Competent Convincing Comfortable

Lets do an Impromptu Speech Oh Yeah! That means you! Lets Do An Exercise Lets do an Impromptu Speech Oh Yeah! That means you!

Know Your Subject The Number One Rule Know it inside and out Your audience expects no less

Parts Of A Good Speech Introduction Body Conclusion (Tell the audience what you are going to tell them.) Body (Tell them!) Conclusion (Tell them what you have told them!)

Introduction Tell a story Use a quote Pose a challenge Use an analogy Use humor, but make sure it is relevant Use a startling statement, fact or opinion Relate the subject to personal experience

Body Strong supporting arguments, accurate up- to-date information At least three good middle points or required information as required by your rubric

Conclusion Summarize the major points. What last words or thoughts do you want to leave with your audience? Do you want to challenge the audience? This is a critical part of an effective talk.

Tips…Tips…Tips Practice orally and time yourself. Be sure to stay within the time limit.

Are you controlling your voice? Tips…Tips…Tips Are you controlling your voice? Are you mumbling? Vary the pitch and volume of your voice. Use voice inflections to drive home your critical points. Will the entire audience be able to hear your voice?

Avoid “Pause Words”. “Um” “Like” “You know what I’m saying?” Tips…Tips…Tips Avoid “Pause Words”. “Um” “Like” “You know what I’m saying?”

Tips…Tips…Tips What does your face say? Look pleasant, enthusiastic, confident and proud.

Tips…Tips…Tips How should I dress? What you wear depends on the audience.

Eye Contact is the Most Powerful Component of Body Language Tips…Tips…Tips Where do I look? Eye Contact is the Most Powerful Component of Body Language Use the 3 second method. Focus on foreheads or just above heads. Talk “to your audience” not “at your audience”.

Never Show Your Back Never Hide Behind The Podium Tips…Tips…Tips Never Show Your Back Never Hide Behind The Podium

What Do I Do With My Hands? Tips…Tips…Tips What Do I Do With My Hands? Don’t hide your hands. Don’t point at the audience. Be natural.

Tips…Tips…Tips Can I use props? A podium can be used, but……. Handouts are great Powerpoints are great

Don’t Commit “Death by PowerPoint” Tips…Tips…Tips Don’t Commit “Death by PowerPoint”

Tips…Tips…Tips This will help as well…. A warm beverage Eat some chocolate Force yourself to yawn Do some stretching

Relax and Have Fun! The more you are relaxed and comfortable with your subject matter the better your presentation will be. Remember Confidence is the key!