New Programs for Businesses City of Palo Alto Utilities June 23, 2011
Current Efficiency Programs Commercial Advantage Rebates Lighting, HVAC, Water Heating, Appliances, Commercial Kitchens, etc Custom Rebates Assisting with unique and different efficiency projects Large Business Efficiency (Enovity) Audits and assistance for large businesses Right Lights+ Primarily lighting and other items for smaller companies Zero Interest Electric Efficiency Loans Loans up to five years to assist with installing efficient equipment Water Audits and Rebates Free audits and rebates for efficient landscaping, toilets, urinals, etc New Construction Rebates for construction greater than required in the City’s Green Building Program
New Programs Hospitality Program Keep Your Cool Labs Efficiency Upgrades and installation of room efficiency items for hotels Keep Your Cool Refrigeration motors, lighting and controls for commercial kitchens Labs Efficiency Specific advice and assistance with efficiency for laboratories Free Shower Heads and Faucet Aerators Free commercial shower heads and faucet aerators Vending Miser Installation Free vending misers for cold beverage machines
How Can You Save Money with CPAU Programs? Contact your Account Representative Email Bruce, Brian, Josh, Vic or Catherine Main phone number (650) 329-2241 Check online at