Serious Learning, Serious Play, Serious Fun Maths in Reception January 2016
Maths Curriculum Shape, Space and Measure Number Number recognition Counting More/Less Addition and subtraction Problem solving and calculation Shape, Space and Measure 2D and 3D shape Time Position Height/Weight/length Money Pattern Capacity
Early Learning Goals Number: Children count reliably with numbers 1 – 20, place them in order and say which is one more and one less than a given number. Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two single digit numbers and count on and back to find the answer. They solve problems including doubling, halving and sharing. Shape, Space and Measure: Children use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money to compare quantities and objects and to solve problems. They recognise, create and describe patterns. They explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them. Being part of a team Taking turns Sharing Adapting to new situations Listening to others
Numbers…… Counting is not just about knowing the numbers in order…. Its Counting each item And Remembering the last number you counted is the final amount.
HELPING AT HOME Talking about their favourite things is an easy way to start. Food is great for Maths Children understand more and less through fair and not fair, especially when sharing out sweets. Dishing up – adding on from a given number Adding – how many carrots and potatoes do you have altogether? Subtraction - If you eat two chips, how many will you have left? Other ways to help at home - reading door numbers, car registration plates, counting steps, stairs etc.
Shape, Space and Measures... 3D shapes – faces, edges, vertices Measuring – longest, tallest, shortest, longer than, taller than, shorter than, heaviest, lightest, heavier than, lighter than, heavy, light. Position – in, on, between, beside, next to, in front, behind.
Shape, Space and Measures... Time – O’clock, half past, how long? Minutes, hours Money – coin, value, how much? pence, pound. Pattern – repeat, what’s next?
Maths in the classroom Each classroom has a maths area but Maths learning is everywhere. All children have different interests. Use correct vocabulary
Mathematics Maths is everywhere! Handout will help you with some ideas o of how to help at home. Thank You for joining us this this evening.