Tentative Plan of action/recommendation
Pertaining to Enforcement (Public health reasons) These laws if implemented properly would save lives and improve health of the nation. National prestige and WHO FCTC obligations India is recognized as a global leader in tobacco control. Laws passed must be enforced to uphold there sanctity
Legal aspect of enforcement Democracy means state is a welfare state and the constitution gives the responsibility and authority to law enforcement officials and for the betterment and welfare of the people, thereby, it is the responsibility of officers to implement it. Examples of city as success stories e.g. Chandigarh and Goa. Such enforcement plans succeed only with community support.
Implementation strategies Challans be issued against all violators for comprehensive adherence to the law Rewards/Recognitions or increments to law enforcers for booking violations E.g. Ticket checkers receive 25% of all fines collected as the incentive. Guidelines to be framed for the NGOs under NTCP Ban on sale of any food product containing tobacco (nicotine) as specified under the Rule 44-J of PFA.
2. Pertaining to generate Awareness Awareness to various agencies:- Police officers/law enforcers to be imparted knowledge by experts from diverse fields like doctors, sociologists etc During training programmes for police officials, the details of tobacco laws can be outlined to give them the clarity on the same. Nagrik suraksha samities can work in collaboration with police. Sensitization of judiciary and advocates is a must given the spate of legal cases against the Act and its enforcement. Local media planning/sensitization is important to create advocacy at local levels.
Contd… Social sanction of the public can only give legitimacy to laws or else the forceful implementation of laws also needs to be withdrawn. NGO to act as watchdogs/whistle blowers and informing violations to the respective departments involved to curb COTPA violations. Youngsters needs to be educated and penalties are a later option.
3.Policy measures All products comes with some warnings and same should apply to tobacco products which are the most deadly products. Tax raising leads to far reaching impact on the demand of tobacco products especially on poor and youngsters. Tobacco control policies work provided they are implemented effectively. Graphic warning labels have impact on stopping people from smoking.
Contd... Other laws like municipality bylaws, broadcasting rules needs to be invoked for tobacco control. Involve every department in the efforts , around table and distribute work (an on going process) time lines drawn constant monitoring, monthly report No smoking while driving as mandatory mechanism section 21 of MV Act. (as a recommendation to the ministry of surface transport)
4. Monitoring Apart from police we need to identify Non governmental agencies who act as whistle blowers. Regular monitoring of jurisdictional areas (police stations), say in a month e.g. Chandigarh. Reorientation programs are important and it needs to be an ongoing process. Printing of slogans /health education on OPD or government stationery.
Contd… Ensure non involvement of tobacco industry e.g. all HOD’s eg. In Chandigarh, were requested to not to get engaged with tobacco industry, any kind of direct of indirect dealings or in any kind of promotional campaigns.
Few suggestions from the participants Negative advertisement against tobacco shall be promoted, and bolly wood actors should act as a role model before public and they should participate in the advertisements against tobacco use . Imitation items of tobacco products like sweet cigarettes or others should be totally banned from the market. As a preventive measure giving more emphasis on youngsters tobacco control may be included in the school curriculums Interactions involving the Bar associations may be a better way to sensitize the judges and the lawyers Integrate tobacco control programme with other national health programmes Informing public a prerequisite for effective implementation of the law get them by the fingers to come out of tobacco use. Cessation clinic are equally important Adequate publication of the NTCP so that the masses are aware of the importance of the programmes and it commands a greater community acceptance and participation Special magistrate may be appointed as provided under the Act.
Thank You