Final Year 11 Assembly Friday 12th May, 2017.


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Presentation transcript:

Final Year 11 Assembly Friday 12th May, 2017

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GCSE Exams – written papers start on Monday and continue into mid-June Letters going out today GCSE Exams – written papers start on Monday and continue into mid-June Last full day in school – Friday 9th June (from then, only attend those lessons that you have exams left) Leavers assembly – 20th June Prom – Early July Results – August Post August - Set up for an amazing life!!

The next 6 weeks are crucial! Attitude and commitment are everything Importance of making sure you achieve your full potential, whatever that is! If you don’t you will regret it. Marginal gains – what have you done differently? Preparation is key!

Preparation is key Sleep is crucial – energy drinks will disrupt your concentration Have a good breakfast Take regular breaks in revision The worst way to revise is to constantly re-read notes – you are much better off practising questions, testing yourself e.g. 4 ways that …., using GCSEpod to make notes revision cards on key points

Preparation is key Know the start times and get there 15 minutes before the start time Know which venue you are in – you will be in different exam halls Know your seat number for EACH exam Line up in row order outside the exam hall and listen carefully to staff – this is the last time they can give you important reminders! Make sure you have all the equipment you need for each exam.

The Exam Hall DO NOT HAVE YOUR PHONE IN YOUR POCKET. Make sure it is off and in your bag. It is not worth the risk! Exams are staffed by external invigilators. They will report all incidents of talking or attempts to communicate with others – It is not worth the risk! Make sure you are aware of timings in the exam hall. Don’t rush but be aware as you may not get time warnings

In the exam: don’t give marks away!! £2.6 £2.60 2/10 should it be 1/5? You must learn key spellings: what are the high frequency words you struggle with? You must learn them Do you know all the conventions and layout of formal/informal letters, articles, leaflets, speeches, reports......

In the exam: the importance of being thorough Read questions carefully. Make sure you understand exactly what it is asking you. It will never say “tell me everything you know about …” so make sure you are clear what is required in the answer A few minutes thinking and jotting down your thoughts will be time well spent – make sure any rough notes are clearly distinguished from you actual answer. Always try and leave some time to read through what you have written and make any adjustments you need to.

Being well prepared is the best thing to reduce stress & worry! Preparation is key! Being well prepared is the best thing to reduce stress & worry!