Welcome to Mrs. Cozart’s Class Parent Night 2017
Classroom Rules 1. Listen when others are talking. 2. Follow directions the first time. 3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. 4. Raise your hand to speak 5. Show respect for school and personal property. (See our charts we created!)
Conduct Conduct will be determined on a weekly basis 0-E1, E2, E3 = E, S1, S2, S3 = S, N You find a conduct slip on Friday stapled in your child’s blue folder. Please initial. Blue Folder will come back and forth to school. (Like checking your mailbox.) (Please help me by stapling these and the codes in your child’s blue mailbox folder.) AC—Show this form now….
Grades Reading and Math will be graded using letter and number grades based on a standard grading scale Science and Social Studies: Grades are S for satisfactory or N for not satisfactory Grading Scale: A: 93 - 100 B: 85 - 92 C: 75 - 84 D: 70 - 74 F: 69 & below
Report Cards and Interims Collierville School District will no longer print Interim progress reports or 9 week report cards. Grade information will is available on the Powerschool Parent Portal. AC-Give Parent Portal Document to Parents now….
Homework You will receive a reading fluency homework packet on Monday night. It is to be completed each night and turned in on Friday Your child is also required to practice math fluency skills on XtraMath. Required-3 minutes daily. AC—give codes at this time Your child will receive a homework grade in reading and math each 9 weeks. They will start off with 100%. If they do not return homework or complete their weekly Xtramath, 5 points will be deducted each week. Homework will not be graded for correctness.
Ideas for help/enrichment Reading series online—Wonders Code Study Island extra help and enrichment area— Study Island Code Xtra Math-Put in extra practice time Google it—type in the topic. Majority of the time you will find videos, games, printables….
Easy CBM Easy CBM is a universal screening assessment that is administered to all Kindergarten through 5th grade students in Collierville Schools. The assessment is given three times a year to identify areas of need for students in the areas of reading and math. If an area of need is identified, students will receive targeted intervention lessons in the specific areas of need during “Tiger Time". Tiger Time is a daily 45 minute time slot set aside in our schedule to allow every student to receive either remediation/enrichment/special education services, etc. without loosing valuable instructional time. This is our third year to use this program and we have been most pleased with the results.
Tiger Time Every child will go to Tiger Time from 1-2 pm daily Some children will receive enrichment, while others receive extra help when/if they need it Lindsey Heritage: Interventionist
LAMPS Schedule Monday: STEM/Library Books Books Books Tuesday: Art Wednesday: Guidance/Typing Thursday: Art Friday: PE -students must wear tennis shoes
Recess We have a 15 minute movement break at 11:00 each morning in the classroom We will go outside for recess every day at 3:00 as long as weather cooperates
Birthdays You may come and have lunch with your child for their birthday (after Labor Day) and bring them a treat You may not distribute edible treats to the class Mrs. Cozart would like to have “I am being so sweet treats.”
Transportation I must have a note or email by 10am if your child’s method of transportation will be changing from their usual method. Otherwise, I must send your child home the usual way. If I do not respond to your email, please assume I did not get it.
Absences Please send all excuses for absences to lmoore@colliervilleschools.org Keep the email for proof that you sent one. CC (copy) me on the excuse when sending the email.
Lunch/Snack/Water Bottles Lunch is at 12:25pm. You may come and have lunch with your child after Labor Day We will have snack at 3pm at recess each day if you would like to send a snack with your child Water bottles will be allowed in the classroom until Labor Day. Please make sure it is securely closed and in a Ziploc bag
Volunteers We are excited to have Stephanie Murphey, Melissa Green, Elaine Burleson, Leia Berry as our room parents. (meeting Friday, contact list, and t-shirt organization) this week Working as a team, we hopefully we get everything done.
PTA Please, please, please join the PTA if you have not already. The PTA does amazing things for the school throughout the year and it is worth every penny.
Remind 101 If you would like to receive text updates and reminders from me please subscribe to Remind 101 Have Code Posted on Board Directions can also be found on webpage This powerpoint can be found on page.
Fees Tara Oaks is asking for a $25 educational fee to cover various costs throughout the year Class T-shirt = $10.00 PTA $6.00
My Info Feel free to contact me any time with questions or concerns Email: acozart@colliervilleschools.org Website: http://taraoakses.colliervilleschools.org/ I will send emails, updates by newsletters, remember to check remind, website, our Twitter Page (Discuss confidential request)