Looking ahead… Propaganda Posters Commercials
Thinking About Your Campaign Slogans
Think campaign slogans are not important? Instead…. Barack Obama Elected (?) if his slogan was "Put B.O. in the White House."
? Slogans Real Plans for Real People 1920 Warren Harding Alf Landon In one sense you can understand what the president's supporters were thinking. The #BringBackOurGirls hashtag, calling for 200 school girls abducted by Boko Haram militants in April, became one of the world's biggest ever social media campaigns. So why not borrow the slogan for the president's re-election campaign? The hashtag #BringBackGoodluck2015 seems to have first been used on Twitter by a group campaigning on behalf of the president. On 30th August, they tweeted: "There is no vacancy in Aso rock [the president's residence] we want Goodluck Jonathan again #NigeriansDemand #BringBackJonathan2015." It was never an officially endorsed slogan, despite appearing on signs and banners around the capital city of Abuja, but now the president has reacted to try and quash it. A press release issued by the president's office this morning says the campaign is "offensive and repugnant", and that signs and banners carrying the slogan should be removed immediately. The slogan was widely criticised because it seemed to dramatically misread the public mood in the country. The abducted school girls are still held captive, despite repeated promises by the government - and President Jonathan himself - to secure their release. So far, the government has not taken military steps to rescue the girls, arguing that if force is used, they may end up being killed by the militants Plans to bring peace to Narnia? Government scholarships to Hogwarts? Free healthcare for Santa’s elves?
Trouble reading it through… TOO CUMBERSOME! 2. Is your Slogan… Look at the Examples… Cumbersome Slogans **BETTER SLOGANS CUMBERSOME Trouble reading it through… TOO CUMBERSOME! SHOULD BE SHORT, CATCHY, TO THE POINT
NOT Message-based Slogan I’m confused…what are you for again? 2. Your Slogan isn’t… Look at the Examples… NOT Message-based Slogan **BETTER SLOGAN Message-based I’m confused…what are you for again? SHOULD BE Directly –tied to campaign theme
Memorable Will remember and talk about 3. Is your Slogan… One Look at the Examples… NOT Memorable Slogan **BETTER SLOGAN Memorable Who had that great slogan about pretzel rods…oh yeah – that’s who I am voting for! One that people Will remember and talk about
“ phrase bursts” Super-Interesting 3. con’t Use short… 3. con’t Make it… Super-Interesting Example: “We need these guys to watch those guys”
Look at some examples of Core Values 4. Tap into Core Human values Look at some examples of Core Values
Read Bill Scranton example 5. Be careful of Unintended messages Read Bill Scranton example Look at FAMOUS SLOGANS
Now your turn… FIRST THING –Campaign Theme Song *DUE FRIDAY SECOND THING – Campaign Slogans *Work independently – everyone come up with their own three! (15-18 Slogans to choose from)