Sample School District No. 000 FY14/15 Year End Financial Report Insert district logo
Enrollment – 10 Year History 2014-15 Budgeted Enrollment = 3400
Staffing – 10 year history
2013-14 general fund Beginning Fund Balance $xx,xxx,xxx Revenues and Other Financing Sources Expenditures - $xx,xxx,xxx Transfers Out - $xx,xxx Ending Fund Balance
Fund Balance – 10 Year history
Revenue – 2 year comparison 2012-13 2013-14 Local Tax X,XXX,XXX Local Non-Tax (Fees, CAP, Food Service) State General (Apportionment) State Special (Special Ed, Transportation) Federal (Special Ed, Title I) Other Sources (Non-High, Grants) Total Revenue $XX,XXX,XXX
Expenditures by activity
FUND BALANCE COMPOSITION Total Fund Balance $x,xxx,xxx Restricted for Other Items (List items included) $xx,xxx Restricted for State Revenue (List items included) $xxx,xxx School Name $xxx $x,xxx
CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND REVENUE EXPENDITURES Key item Key project Beginning Fund Balance $x,xxx,xxx Revenues and Other Financing Sources Expenditures - $x,xxx,xxx Ending Fund Balance
Debt service fund REVENUE EXPENDITURES Local Property Tax Timber Excise Tax EXPENDITURES Principal/Interest – Voted/Non-Voted Debt Beginning Fund Balance $x,xxx,xxx Revenues and Other Financing Sources Expenditures - $x,xxx,xxx Ending Fund Balance
Transportation vehicle fund REVENUE State Depreciation EXPENDITURES Buses Beginning Fund Balance $xxx,xxx Revenues and Other Financing Sources Expenditures - $xxx,xxx Transfers Out Ending Fund Balance
Associated student body fund REVENUE Clubs Athletics Fundraisers EXPENDITURES Cultural Athletic Recreational Social Beginning Fund Balance $xxx,xxx Revenues and Other Financing Sources Expenditures - $xxx,xxx Ending Fund Balance
Asb ending fund balance by school Total $xxx,xxx School Name $xxx $x,xxx $xx,xxx Total $xxx,xxx School Name $xxx $x,xxx $xx,xxx 2012-2013 2013-2014