Electronic Government and IT Policy Unit The E-Government and IT Policy Unit within the Ministry of Public Function is responsible for policy-making and co-ordination of e-Gov projects. This unit plays the most important horizontal co-ordination role of e-government across the federal administration: It makes e-government policies in Mexico Sets strategies and guidelines Harmonises practices and standards It works closely with the President’s Office, the e-Government Network and e-Mexico National System.
e-Government Implementation at the Agency Level Individual government offices have a great deal of responsibility with regard to e-Government implementation, although they receive guidance from the e-Government unit of the Public Function Ministry However, different possibilities exist for the implementation of e-Government. A Ministry may negotiate targets with the Presidential Office, but come up with its own strategic plan on how to reach those targets independently. It could then discuss standards for implementation with the e-Government Network.
eGovernment in Mexico – Key Players Presidential Office Governmental Innovation Office Public Function Ministry Communications and Transportation Ministry E-Gov and IT Policy Unit National Science & Technology Council All IT Units at Ministry and Agency Level E-Gov Network
Federal Standards – Why? Common Solutions for Common Business Processes Program-specific decision-making to Enterprise level. Leverage commonalities in IT hosting, services and business processes operating in multiple agencies. Interface with e-Gov Common Solutions. Yield long-term cost savings and benefits through reduction of redundant investments and the establishment of a shared service environment. Resource constrained environment. Align resources with core agency mission. Improve service delivery and increase operational efficiencies.
Implementation Core Issues Change Management. Governance. Metrics/SLAs. Commercial Sector Participation. Acquisition Strategies. Financing.
IT Policy & eGov Governance Timeline Organic Law Reforms (eGov) Public Service Law April 2003 IT Policy & eGov Governance Model) Timeline The milestone of eGovernment in Mexico has been characterized by some key issues which you can check in the slide. These issues are: -Telecommunications Law (1995) -Electronic Declaration Legislation (1998) -eGovernment preparation phase (2000-2001) -eCommerce legislation package (2000) -eGovernment launch (beginning 2001) -eMexico Council constitution (late 2001) -eSignature and sata protection initiatives (2002) -eMexico Launch (2002) -Federal Law on Transparency and access to information (2002) -GGA launch (2002) -Organic Law reforms (eGov) 2003 -Public Service Law (2003) eDocument Presidental Decret Dec 2004 – January 2005 Office of the President for Government Innovation Public Function Ministry
e-Government and ITC Policy Decree This decree will establish the IT Governance Framework based on best-practices that will drive the Digital Government strategy in Mexico: Interoperability Organization Issues: leadership, functions, … Digital Certificate and Electronic signature Business Process & Corporate Architecture Telecommunications Outsourcing & Shared Services Privacy and Transparency Electronic Service Implementation & Multi-channel delivery Budget and Financing Security Inter-jurisdictional cooperation IT Planning and Portfolio Management Acquisitions and contracting of IT services and procurement Systems Auditing.
eGov & IT Governance Model Strategic Council Secretariat Advisory Council CIO Council (eGov Network) Technical Committees
Governmental IT Framework Web Services Architecture / Conceptual Model Service 1 Service 2 Service 3 gateway Agency C Agency B Agency A Users DB A Users DB B Users DB C XML WebServices IT Architecture Security Contents Campaigns Publicity Federation Gateway Citizen Portal www.gob.mx Integral Platform Resource Admin WebService Development Publishing Workflow CORE Platform Identity Authenticity Basic Framework Users Resources Service 1 + Service 2 + Service 3 Service Delivery Data Transaction .Net Platform J2EE Platform eEconomy eLearning eHealth IT Framework The schematic diagram of Governmental IT Framework is illustrated in this slide. This conceptual model is constituted by several layers each having its own functionality, and at the very center of this Architecture you can identify the main actor, Citizen Portal resting on a gateway which in turn allows the access to the web services via a single sign on and the sharing of resources among the different government agencies. On the top you could find the final delivery of services to the user i.e. the Citizen. This approach considers the coexistence of two technological platforms identified as J2EE and .Net which are in their own a sample of the open mind vision of eGovernment in Mexico.
EOF4 - Governmental Federal Network VPN Agency n VPN Agency n+2 VPN Agency 2 VPN Agency n+1 VPN Agency 1 VPN/MPLS SP B VPN/MPLS SP A
Standardization Efforts in Mexico Electronic Operations Framework Where to Start? Trend or Reality?: Fact: OSI Layers had mixed and interweave. How to achieve smooth cross agency Interoperability startup? Key solutions (Phase 1) Set robust communication infrastructure Governmental Federal Network. Challenge: Improve resource usage, triple play (voice, data, video) Constraint: Time and budget. The solution needed creativity and legitimation. Share Knowledge and Information adopting: Federal Taxonomy Standard, Federal Metadata Standard. Evolution (Future) uCitizen (Ubiquitous Citizen), every where, every time.
Share Knowledge and Information adopting: EOF8 Share Knowledge and Information adopting: Federal Taxonomy Standard Federal Metadata Standard Portal Homologation Guidelines
EOF8 - Roadmap
Thank You Jose Manuel Diaz jdiaz@funcionpublica.gob.mx Public Function Ministry Tenankiu Thank You