Epworth Old Rectory 305 years & counting, Are we as relevant now as we were then? Gillian Crawley 11 March 2016
A Rectory for 250 years … Then place opens as Bed & Breakfast in 1957
Becoming more like a Museum
My predecessor was the first curator not to have to live in the building Not to make breakfast every day for the guests Change the linen Lead guided tours around the building And then to cook-up a 3 course dinner for the paying guests Under her watch Room functions & purposes were clarified Scripts for a coherent, relevant & on-message tours written & implemented with volunteers Modes introduced to catalogue the collections The Rectory became a fully Accredited Museum The exterior of the building repaired & made water tight Development plans put in place that predict an exciting future for the Rectory
Now the Rectory is a Charitable Trust 1 full-time member of staff 3 part-time staff members Plus a cohort of 50 volunteers (without whom it would not be possible to operate on a day-to day basis)
The basics Last year there were 5200 visitors Receipted income through the shop was £21,000 £16,000, annual grant from the World Methodist Council £35,000, annual grant from the British Methodist Council
Since I came into post what have my first impressions been?
Fairly rapidly my conclusion is that we need Epworth as much as Epworth needs the Old Rectory That we are not separate from the community that we located within Be that the Methodist Church or Epworth village, the Isle of Axholme, Lincolnshire, the East Midlands… the World?
My problems Partisan perceptions No perceptible “ownership” It is only for Methodists (and they might preach at me if I do go) There is nothing there for US to do
Some solutions? Setting up forums Joining forums Audience Development & active engagement Audience advocacy Event programming Active visitor feedback & review
Christmas Craft Fair
New Furniture New Opportunities
Easter Fun Day
Mowbray Fair
School visits
New for 2016 Epworth is the new home for the MWiB collection Interactive children’s trails & souvenir activity guide
Thank you for listening Any Questions?