Biology in silico: Creation of an online bioinformatics portal for researchers, clinicians, & students Carrie L. Iwema, PhD, MLS, John LaDue, MLIS, Fran Yarger, MA, MAED, & Ansuman Chattopadhyay, PhD Health Sciences Library System, University of Pittsburgh Scientists are inundated with an increasingly vast array of options for data manipulation, resulting in confusion about selecting the most appropriate resources. To help users connect to this information, we developed an online portal that promotes access to the many resources and services geared towards researchers using bioinformatics & molecular/systems biology databases & tools. Objective 1. Tab-Based Search Engine 2. OBRC (Online Bioinformatics Research Collection) 4. HSLS MolBio Information Service Dramatic rise in # bioinformatics resources in the past 10 years. v.314 10/20/2006 4-pronged approach The OBRC organizes bioinformatics resources into 13 major categories. Most resources originate from the annual Web Server and Databases issues of Nucleic Acids Research. The core of the MolBio portal is a tab-based search engine which provides quick access to the major bioinformatics databases, software tools, & related literature online, in addition to library-supported licensed resources (indicated w/an “*”). Each tab offers a federated search of a different pool of resources, including an Online Bioinformatics Resource Collection manually curated by the library’s Molecular Biology Information Specialists. Search results are organized into meaningful categories using Vivisimo clustering technology and are directly accessible from the portal. Additional resources include a step-by-step guide to basic bioinformatics questions, an extensive schedule of both introductory and tool-based bioinformatics workshops, and a consultation service. Success of the portal and associated services is monitored by automated usage statistics, workshop attendance, and requests for individual assistance. Prior to launching the MolBio portal, usability tests were performed to gather feedback from potential users. Description Genes/Proteins NCBI Entrez Gene Protein Lounge* “How Do I’s” Workshops Licensed Tools Pathways Protein Lounge* Science STKE Database* All OBRC entries are manually curated. 5. Statistics Licensed Tool $$$$$ individual vs. institutional costs # OBRC entries = ~1900 # website hits/day = ~3000 Protocols Protocol Online, BioMedProtocols*, Cold Spring Harbor Protocols*, Current Protocols*, Methods*, Methods in Enzymology*, Nature Methods*, Nature Protocols*, STKE Protocols* 3. Vivisimo Clustering Databases & Software OBRC BioMed Central Databases X X X X X 3.5 X 8 X 3 X 8 X 4 X Average # attendees / workshop Total # attendees Recommended Articles Faculty of 1000 Biology* Articles on Databases & Software filtered PubMed search 2008 Jan-April = 226