An interesting candidate? Light DM, An interesting candidate? Celine Boehm, 2004
(10-6 eV axions particles) Heavy Dark Matter TeV string candidates neutralinos GeV (proton mass) Light Dark Matter MeV ``new’’ particles? (10-6 eV axions particles) non thermal
Weakly Interacting Massive Particles Silk (1968), Gunn et al (1978), Davis et al (1980), Peebles (1982) etc.. No electromagnetic interactions: Weakly Interacting Not neutrino-like: Massive Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) But in fact more complicated..damping.ppt
Damping constraints in a plane! One can define ``WDM’’ particles as being at the edge of the damping limit. Means also ``Collisional WDM’’!
A very important criterion: Relic density at tfo
The relic density criterion therefore requires: Independent of the DM mass! Too much DM The annihilation Cross section is too small One value only does the job! Not enough
First calculations to be done: Lee-Weinberg (1977) Massive neutrinos, Fermi interactions: dm f Depends mainly on mdm, if mdm too small, Wdm> 1 ! Lee-Weinberg limit: mdm > O(GeV)
Light Dark Matter (mdm < GeV) Forbidden by Lee-Weinberg because the cross section is too small! But they considered massive neutrinos and with a cross section proportional to mdm! Extension to more general DM candidates! Examples: fermions dm e- e+ F L (Dirac dm = d field)
How to evade Lee-Weinberg? By just obtaining a cross section independent of mdm! Which DM particles then? Fermions: always proportional to mdm Scalars: yes, some configurations OK! dm f+ f- F L Almost independent of mdm ! Possible to evade Lee-Weinberg when scalars!!
But DM can annihilate into the galactic center… C.B., T. Ensslin, J. Silk Gamma rays Expected between MeV and GeV depending on mdm But already lot of observations in this range (notably OSSE!). No indications for non standard physics so predictions have to be compatible. Predictions depend on the DM halo profile -2
Light DM ruled out then? No if the cross section ~ a + b v2 (with a << b) Why a cross section in v2 saves the scenario? DM velocity in galaxy < 10-3 c DM velocity in primordial U ~ c So v2 reduced the flux by a factor 10-6.. Is that possible in particle physics?
Summary mid-stage v2 annihilation cross section! Light DM OK but needs for a v2 annihilation cross section! Fermionic DM cannot do that! Scalar DM? if exchange fermions: If exchange gauge bosons?
Particle Physics models Possible if a new gauge boson (U): f+ f- dm U CU fU Dependence in mdm! But OK if light U and small couplings! (U of a few MeV, < GeV)
Light DM finally possible because: small couplings as required by muon and electron g-2! Could not be seen in past colliders: cross section smaller than at high energy because fU is much smaller than electroweak couplings! 2) cross section maximal at low energy (a few MeV). Could be promising but dominated by
INTEGRAL/SPI: observation of a 511 keV line emission A first evidence of Dark Matter annihilations? dm dm -> e+ e- e+ e- -> phot phot (phot) e- and e+ at rest, Photons with Ee, Existence of e+ !
Prospectives (dwarfs galaxies) In the sensitivity of Integral satellite If a signal is detected: confirmation of LDM If not, the LDM scenario is possibly ruled out Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy
Heavy Dark Matter Light DM could involves a theory that also predicts a heavy and stable particle 2 symmetries (R and M-parities): N=2 supersymmetry?? The relic density will be ensured by the Light DM so no restriction on the cross section
Conclusion Light Dark Matter (<GeV) is possible! Need for v2 cross section: possible with light scalars exchanging a light gauge boson but other solutions may work…. LDM explain the detection of a 511 keV line in the centre of the galaxy very well. Possibility of having heavier stable particles…
Collisionless WDM M_WDM > keV