Review & Planning Mid-Decade Assessment


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Presentation transcript:

Review & Planning Mid-Decade Assessment 8th National EFA Coordinators’ Meeting with the Regional Thematic Working Group on EFA Review & Planning Mid-Decade Assessment Objectives, work organization and outputs

The International Commission on Education for the 21st Century established 1993, report 1996 Learning: The Treasure Within “Choice of education means choice of society” that we envision for the future of our children, youth and the nation “Education system cannot continue indefinitely to satisfy a demand which can only keep on growing. … “Choices in education thus concern the whole society and require … a democratic debate … on its ultimate goals. “The debate must be founded on an accurate evaluation of the education system, which is based on premises acceptable to all, …” pp. 156-157

Whose vision of society? … Providers of different visions Family and peer socialization Private tuition -> private schools Community socialization -> community schools Apprenticeship -> trade schools Religious organizations -> faith-based schools Government as regulator and/or provider -> government schools Rapid systemic changes in Asia and the world Widening rural-urban disparities, commercialization, dual economy, post-industrial information society, globalization Expanding role of the State as a guarantor of Security to Welfare, including employment, health and education Political pendulum between traditional hierarchical and modern egalitarian values, norms and order of society Education for whom? … and for what purpose?

The EFA Goals and National Targets Sub-sectors -> Cross-cutting 1. ECCE 2. UPE/ UBE 3. Youth & Adult Skills & 4. Literacy Quantity – “for All” 5. Attaining Gender and social equality in stratified society 6. Ensuring Quality of inputs, T-L process and outputs, outcomes Targeted Budget and finance

Dakar Follow-Up Strategy EFA HLG Task Force, UNESCO 2002: “An international strategy to opera-tionalize the Dakar Framework for Action on Education for All (EFA)” Strategy 11: systematically monitor progress towards EFA goals and strategies at the national, regional and international levels. Performance monitoring and evaluation of all stakeholders and development partners The regular and systematic monitoring of EFA progress constitutes a central strategy for achieving Education for All by 2015

Global EFA Working Group EFA Global Action and RASEP

The purpose of the Review and Stocktaking of EFA Progress (RASEP) A framework to support national capacity building Coherence to the monitoring activities at different levels Provide complementary data to the annual GMR under the framework of the Global Action Plan to Achieve the EFA Goals (GAP) Reference for the operationalization of the GAP for country plans for achievement of EFA goals partners to better align their programme interventions

National EFA Mid-Decade Assessment (EFA MDA) Are we moving closer to the goals? Forward? Backward?

Why MDA? to identify problems, issues, policies and strategies of education reform to ensure that education will reach the un-reached groups. To inform the mid-term review of national education policy to target policies for attaining EFA by 2015.

Timeline and Milestones for national and regional assessment Preparation Assessment Policy Review 2003-5 2006 2007 2008 Module development, case studies initial outline with raw data With the objective of identifying the unattained targets and un-reached target groups for each of the Six EFA Goals, the participants discussed many aspects of the process. Among them, the following are the current plans with regard to the points raised in the concept paper for the Global EFA Review 2006-2007: • In addition to the usual school-based statistics, they will use mostly the existing data collection, such as the population and housing census, various household surveys, labour force surveys, household income and expenditure surveys, etc. • National IE policies on minorities, disabled, the extremely poor, etc. • As the source of UIS data is the national statistics, the national assessment exercise will motivate and accelerate national data collection and reporting • The exercise will generate materials that may be of use to the GMR • Case studies have been conducted and more will be undertaken, especially in areas where standard statistics are not available and inadequate. • The structure and process of implementation will be examined carefully to identify how the policies were differently implemented with regard to the different target groups • Because of the composition of the participants, the discussions did not focus much on the financing aspects of the Six EFA Goals. • Timeline: end of 2006, initial outline with raw data; 2007 analytical and politically anchored reports; 2008 regional policy review analytical and politically-anchored reports Sub-regional policy review

Regional Coordination Unit MDA Regional Coordination MDA structure Legend Advisory Committee Regional EFA TWG Policy Structure Technical structure Recommends, makes proposals Coordinates Gives directives Regional level Regional Coordination Unit MDA Regional Coordination MDA Center Sub Regional Coordination Advisory Committee Technical group Sub-regional level The MDA structure consists of policy and technical structures at the national, sub-regional and regional levels respectively. The policy structures are depicted in the organigram as oblong-shaped figures and the technical structures, as rectangulare figures. Before the decentralization, the MDA Core Team worked directly with the pilot countries. The ADEA Working Group on Education Statistics formulated guidelines and mobilised support. Likewise, the pilot countries replicated the basic structures in the form of national advisory committee or council and the technical team to conduct the pilot projects. The decentralization and the expansion of membership across the whole Sub-Saharan Africa entailed building the corresponding structures at the sub-regional levels in the ESA and the WCA. The Regional Centre and the two Sub-Regional offices have been established. The sub-regional advisory committees were initially organised specifically for the EFA assessment exercise in the form of the two EFA Regional Advisory Groups through elections held among the respective sub-regional groupings. At this time, the cross-national technical working group have been organized. National Advisory Committee National Advisory Committee MDA Country Teams MDA Country Teams National level

EFA technical support to countries in the region UNESCO AP Regional Bureau for Education Assessment, Information Systems, Monitoring and Statistics (AIMS) AP Education for All (APEAL) AP Educational Innovation and Development (APEID) Cluster and Field Offices Ministries and national organizations / stakeholder groups Regional, Sub-Regional, Country EFA Supporting technical and funding agencies UN ESCAP Regional EFA TWG, Co-Chairs UNESCO and UNICEF UNESCO UIS, EFA Global Monitoring Group and EFA Division Regional/ Sub-Regional EFA coordinators, planners and statisticians

Regional Support Organise and coordinate EFA Regional Support Framework for joint and coordinated assistance Develop technical guidelines, analytical tools, training materials, DevInfo Organise sub-regional capacity building training programmes for country teams aiming to support data collection, analysis and reporting Support local fund-raising to fund national assessments Support to national & regional assessment process & reports: TA, logistical and financial Prepare sub-regional assessment synthesis reports

Preparations in Asia-Pacific Region Pacific Islands Preparations UIS FTI SCB AIMS CB R&D – case studies Literacy EFA Coordination EFA MDA

Activities 2006 First Quarter: prepare guidelines and background concept paper; regional strategy meeting and launch of national assessments Second Quarter: distribution of guidelines and proposed national report outline; advisory and technical assistance missions and national workshops Third Quarter: sub-regional capacity building workshops and peer review of draft policy reports, data compilation and analysis workshop Fourth Quarter: accelerate/start national data and policy analysis organization and activities 2007 First Quarter: peer review draft national reports (technical working document) and initial draft of regional synthesis report Second Quarter: final national reports approved and released by governments Third Quarter: sub-regional peer review of draft sub-regional synthesis reports Fourth Quarter: regional synthesis report 2008 Mid-term regional policy review

National MDA Task Force +MDA Coordination, Analysis & Report Writing Groups

improve strategies and accelerate the MDA process and 8th National EFA Coordinators’ Meeting: Mid-Decade Assessment Progress Review Objectives review draft reports on EFA MDA process at the country and sub-regional levels, improve strategies and accelerate the MDA process and produce a sub-regional summary of the preliminary findings on the performance of the principal stakeholders.

Specific objectives and outputs Country teams: Present and review draft national MDA reports; Identify major achievements since the Jomtien and the Dakar conferences; and major challenges, especially the remaining disparities and the un-reached groups in attaining EFA; Outputs Country output: revised drafts and work plan for completion of the national reports Group output: summary sub-regional reports on preliminary findings of the MDA.

Specific objectives and outputs TWG Member Agencies and EFA Partners Present and review their respective contributions to the implementation of the EFA National Action Plans and the MDA process at national and regional levels Identify major achievements since the Jomtien and the Dakar conferences; and the major challenges, especially the remaining disparities and the un-reached groups in attaining EFA; output: summary sub-regional reports on preliminary findings of the MDA with regard to the performance of development agencies and donors respectively.

Specific objectives and outputs All participants: Identify resources for covering required support to complete the EFA National Mid-Decade Assessment Reports and draft national action plans for capacity-building towards the national assessments; output: support matrix: who supports what in which country Prioritize topics, organization and finance plans for sub-regional and/or cross-cutting thematic studies, and identify countries that will participate in these activities; output: work plan with logical framework matrix Update all participants on the latest developments in the EFA movement through an exchange of information amongst and between participants.

Participants Country Delegation Development agencies EFA/MDA Coordinators, Data Analysts (Policy Analysts/Chief Report Writer not present) Gender Focal Points MDA taskforce/committee members Development agencies UN agencies and Donor agencies EFA advocacy organizations NGO’s and CSO’s (Note: no representatives of minorities?)

draft reports National EFA/MDA Coordinator’s draft report on the implementation of The EFA National Action Plan The Mid-Decade Assessment Policy Analysts’ draft report on preliminary MDA findings on the impact of each EFA Goal on the intended target groups: achievements, disparities, identity and location of the over-achievers and under-achievers and the un-reached population; remaining analysis work plans MDA Data Analyst’s draft report on the latest MDA data analysis status: Data availability questionnaire, MDA indicator templates, tables, diagrams, maps and other graphics, disaggregated by analytical variables Situation report on DevInfo, data collection, compilation and data analysis related to the EFA National Mid-Decade Assessment

draft reports Gender Focal Point’s report on the activities and achievements in mainstreaming gender issues within the Ministry of Education impact across all EFA Goals and targets, the under-achievers, under-privileged, disadvantaged and the un-reached populations. Representative of National Civil Society Organizations (CSO) or National Council of NGOs Report on the involvement of CSO in EFA implementation and in the EFA National Mid-Decade Assessment process − TWG Member Agencies/Organizations and EFA Partners Report on their respective activities and contributions in support of (a) the implementation of the EFA National Action Plans and (b) national and regional MDA process

Format of the Proceedings Modality peer review of progress of MDA and produce sub-regional summary of preliminary findings. plenary and concurrent sessions breakout sessions on special topics for sub-regional and/or thematic studies. Content (ref. Guidelines to presentation) National EFA Coordinators and Data analysts will present draft national reports for peer review of technical assessment and identify issues and themes for sub-regional reports. The TWG Members and EFA Partner Agencies, donors and NGOs will present and review assessment of the impact of their contributions in support of the EFA implementation and MDA process at both national and regional levels. The medium of communication English in inter-national dialogue, National language in country team discussions.

The Organizers & Resource Persons: Ko-Chih Tung UIS Regional Advisor; Head of the AIMS Unit, UNESCO Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau Nyi Nyi Thaung Programme Specialist; Responsible for statistical capacity building, EMIS and EFA monitoring Jon Kapp Assistant Programme Specialist; Involved in overall programme management & in EFA coordination Ann Apiradee Wittayathawornwong Programme Assistant In charge of updating the unit’s budget, organizing meetings and workshops, and correspondence. Garnett Russell Education Researcher Analysis of EFA policies, implementation and impact on different segments of national population. Leotes Marie Lugo Information Manager The focal point for information management and public relations, and in-charge of the AIMS and EFA websites. Diah Yulianti Project Assistant Assists in the management of the AIMS projects Panuwat Cholbushpakul IT Specialist for Statistical Capacity-Building Alexandra Denes Consultant Sara Duerto Data Analyst Mirei Ohara AIMS Intern