Who Are Leaders? Leaders are individuals who influence others in a way that encourages them to higher or better performance and personal development. Effective leaders may or may not authority, position, or status. They do, however, have integrity, dignity, and respect for others. Leaders empower, encourage, and support others in a shared effort to achieve goals or create change. Leaders can be found at all levels and in a variety of positions in early childhood care and education. They take action where action is needed, and the enable others to take action when their strengths and abilities are needed. Effective leaders and effective leadership generate more leaders, thereby strengthening the leadership process itself. (Sullivan, 2010, p. 6) Sullivan, D. R. (2010). Learning to lead: Effective leadership skills for teachers of young children. St. Paul, MN: Redleaf.
Social Justice Literacy SOCIALIZATION - Our systematic training into the norms of our culture. Socialization is the process of learning the meanings and practices that enable us to make sense of and behave appropriately in that culture (Sensoy & DiAngelo, 2012, 15). COMMUNITY – 1) A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. 2) A feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals ( CULTURE - The norms, values, practices, patterns of communication, language, laws, customs, and meanings shared by a group of people located in a given time and place (Sensoy & DiAngelo, 2012, p. 183). CRITICAL THINKING - An intellectual skill of analysis meaning to think with complexity; to go below the surface when considering an issue and explore its multiple dimensions and nuances (Sensoy & DiAngelo, 2012, p. 1). BIAS - Prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair ( ETHNICITY - Refers to people bound by a common language, culture, spiritual tradition, and/or ancestry. Ethnic groups may bridge national borders and still be one group, or may live within the same national borders and not share the same ethnic identity (Sensoy & DiAngelo, 2012. p. 23). RACE - Race is a socially constructed system of classifying humans based on physical characteristics such as skin color, hair texture and bone structure (Sensoy & DiAngelo, 2012). RACISM - In the United States and Canada, racism refers to the White racial and cultural prejudice and discrimination, supported by institutional power and authority, used to the advantage of Whites and the disadvantage of people of Color. Racism encompasses economic, political, social, and institutional actions and beliefs that perpetuate an unequal distribution of privileges, resources, and power between Whites and people of Color (Sensoy & DiAngelo, 2012, p. 187).
Cory - This slide will be used for continued critical reflection and dialogue “homework.” Can be discussed in staff meetings before the next Praxis session and/or during the next session.
Indiana Department of Education - Language Minority and Migrant Program - Retrieved from
Small Group Discussion – Chapter 1 Share your responses to the 2 questions you chose. Why did you choose those questions? Discuss what you got out of Chapter 1: New learning Expanded understanding Different perspectives Agreed with Disagreed with Hadn’t considered Want to explore further
ACTIVITY #1 (from textbook p. 6) Review your list of skills and knowledge you think are necessary for being an effective. Please each item for you list into one or more category on chart on back of handout 1:1. Compare your lists in small groups. If your lists are different, explore and discuss the differences.
The Economic Case for Preschool
Small Group Discussion – Chapter 2 Share your responses to the 2 questions you chose. Why did you choose those questions? Discuss what you got out of Chapter 2: New learning Expanded understanding Different perspectives Agreed with Disagreed with Hadn’t considered Want to explore further
Other Categories for Facilities Licensed Unlicensed Use the WAC to find out who is required to be licensed.
HOMEWORK DUE 10/17 Read Chapter 3 and answer 2 questions In small groups, research Multicultural Theory, Critical Theory in Education, Critical Race Theory in Education, or Bilingual Education Theory. Complete Philosophy Statement worksheet