Synergies Between Other IEA DSM Tasks and DSB Identify outputs of other IEA Tasks that could be useful for DSB Benefits of collaboration Avoid duplicating effort Speed-up the DSB implementation process Create new opportunities for customers to participate in DSB
Task I: International Database on DSM Technologies and Programmes Objective Establish and maintain an international DSM database Provide results to guide the development of effective DSM programmes Task is likely to increase awareness of new electricity products and mechanisms - facilitating the introduction of new DSB products Limited potential for collaboration
Task II: Communication Technologies for DSM Objective Assess options for applying communications to DSM and customer service programmes Specify the necessary technology and demonstrate its application Task results cover communication technologies for load control, data transmission, data processing, automated meter reading and billing Clear opportunities for beneficial collaboration
Task III: Co-operative Procurement of Innovative Technologies for DSM Objective Assist in developing the market for energy efficient and environmentally friendly DSM technologies Develop co-operative international procurement processes Task is likely to increase awareness of new electricity products and mechanisms - facilitating the introduction of new DSB products Task completed
Task IV: Development of Improved Methods for Integrating Demand- side Options into Resource Planning Objective Assist in raising the position of DSM in the resource planning process Task could lead to DSB being more widely used to overcome electricity network constraints Task completed
Task V: Investigation of Techniques for Implementation of DSM Technology in the Marketplace Objective Develop common methodology for successfully implementing DSM technologies with residential and small commercial customers Task may provide useful information on the type and quantity of controllable loads for DSB Task completed
Task VI: DSM and Energy Efficiency in Changing Electricity Businesses Objective Produce information for authorities on mechanisms to promote DSM and energy efficiency in a liberalising electricity industry Task is likely to assist in the introduction of DSB to a new market Encourage authorities to design a trading mechanisms that treats DSB favourably Task completed
Task VII: International Collaboration on Market Transformation Objective Encourage and accelerate the uptake of energy efficient technologies, with the involvement of major retailers Task is likely to increase awareness of new electricity products and mechanisms - facilitating the introduction of new DSB products
Task IX: The Role of Municipalities in a Liberalised System Objective Define priorities for local authorities on DSM Develop guidelines for improving the implementation of DSM programmes by local authorities Task may highlight locations in which customers may be most receptive to DSB