breakdown of lipid hydroperoxide termination reactions a) Lipid peroxidation-chain reactions - ROS - other free radicals - Fe 2+ or Cu 2+ R + LH ● L + RH lipid radicals initiation reaction 1) 2) L + O2 LOO lipid peroxyl radicals 3) + LH LOOH + L lipid hydroperoxide propagation 4) LOOH LO , LOO , aldehydes breakdown of lipid hydroperoxide 5) 2L 2LO 2LOO L - L L - OO - L LOOL + O2 termination reactions b) Aldehydic end-products of lipid peroxidation HC O H2C malonyldialdehyde (MDA) CH3 (CH2)n CH OH 4-OH-2,3-alkenals (HAKs) In biological systems: n = 1 4-OH-2,3-hexenal (HHE) n = 4 4-OH-2,3-nonenal (HNE) n = 6 4-OH-2,3-undecenal (HUE) c) F2 - isoprostanes OH CO2H I II III IV PGF2-like compounds I – IV are the four regio-isomers that have been shown to originate from free-radical initiated non-enzymatic peroxidation of arachidonic acid (20:4). From a chemical point of view any single regio-isomer is composed by 8 racemic diastereomers.