COORDINATION of QUALITY CONCERNS for the AMERICAN AEROSPACE INDUSTRY Jack Fletcher Senior Quality Technical Fellow Lockheed Martin Corp. NASA QLF Sept. 2002
AEROSPACE SUPPLY CHAIN IS HIGHLY INTEGRATED GOVERNMENT DIRECT INTERFACES CONTRACTUAL / REGULATORY REGULATORY Tier 1 Vehicle / Propulsion / System Integration / PAH NASA FAA Tier 2 Source Control/ Software Dev./ Major Assemblies DCMA Tier 3 Source Control / Specialty Electronics / Wiring / Compnts Tier 4 - Make to Print / Machine Shops / Processors Tier 5 - Distributors (Fasteners, Raw Materials, Commodities, Adhesives, Special Materials) Tier 6 - Raw Materials (Castings, Forgings, Sheet, etc) AEROSPACE SUPPLY CHAIN IS HIGHLY INTEGRATED
Tier 1 Vehicle / Propulsion / System Integration / PAH Industry Associations for Aerospace Quality SAE - AAQG AIA - MMRC GAMA AIA - ADQMC AIAA National Defense Industries Government Elec. Ind Assoc American Helicopter Soc Aircraft Electronics Assoc. AIA-Supplier Mgt Council ARSA - Repair Stations Airline Transport Assoc. Airline Supplier Assoc NASA DoD / DCMA Tier 1 Vehicle / Propulsion / System Integration / PAH FAA NADCAP Linkages between Government and Industry overlap and may be in conflict
Tier 1 Vehicle / Propulsion / System Integration / PAH’s AS -IS for FAA Tier 1 Vehicle / Propulsion / System Integration / PAH’s FAA ISSUES / INDUSTRY INTERACTIONS Industry Issues Production & Aftermarket Quality Systems - Advisory Material - Industry Standards - Best Practices - Implementation of Standards Regulatory Requirements - Advisory material - Regulatory Implementation INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONS Airline Supplier Assoc. AIA - Supplier Management Council Aircraft Electronics Assoc. American Repair Station Assoc. AIA - MMRC, ADQMC SAE - AAQG, NADCAP GAMA American Helicopter Soc Airline Transport Assoc.
Tier 1 Vehicle / Propulsion / System Integration / PAH’s AS-IS FOR DoD / NASA Tier 1 Vehicle / Propulsion / System Integration / PAH’s DoD / NASA/ DCMA ISSUES / INDUSTRY INTERACTIONS Industry Issues - Contract terms and Conditions - Industry Oversight and Programs Regulatory Requirements - FARs Production & Aftermarket Quality Systems & Standards - Industry Standards - Best Practices - Implementation of Standards - Single Process Initatives INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONS AIA - ADQMC AIA - Supplier Management Council Aircraft Electronics Assoc. National Defense Industries Assoc. Government Elec. Ind Assoc. SAE - AAQG SAE - NADCAP AIAA
Aerospace Quality Committees “AS-IS”
AIA Quality Committee RE-Organization September 2002
AIA Executive Quality Steering Group Quality Structure FAA, DoD, NASA,Industry Executives AIA Civil Aviation Council AIA Executive Quality Steering Group AIA Supplier Management Council AIA Technical & Operations Council Aeronautical Repair Station Association Government Electronics Industry Association AECMA (European AIA) National Defense Industrial Association General Aviation Manufacturers Association Americas Aerospace Quality Group In the current Quality structure, the Executive Quality Steering Group provides technical leadership to the MMRC, AAQG, and ADQMC The Executive Quality Steering Group is responsible for coordination with FAA, DoD and NASA executives, and will prioritize and improve the quality and safety issues within the aerospace industry The MMRC, AAQG, and ADQMC roles have been defined as follows: MMRC - primary interface on quality system issues with the FAA regulators on Manufacturing (AIR-200) and Flight Standards (AFS-300); its primary focus is on FAA and JAA regulatory requirements and policy ADQMC - primary interface on quality system issues with the DoD, NASA, and FAA procurement AAQG - industry standards setting organization and primary interface with IAQG Given the defined roles, the MMRC, AAQG and ADQMC leaders understand each group’s role and focus and work accordingly through a cooperative effort Civil Aviation Manufacturing & Maintenance Committee Defense & Space Quality Committee IAQG FAA DoD NASA
Roles & Responsibilities Executive Quality Steering Group provides direction to the CAMMC, DSQC, and AAQG and executive level liaison to FAA, DoD, NASA Individual Quality Group roles CAMMC - industry leadership on civil aviation manufacturing and maintenance regulatory issues (FAA, JAA/EASA, etc.) DSQC - industry leadership on government quality system issues (DoD, NASA) AAQG - industry leadership for Quality Standards and Practices setting / publication and implementation
New Aerospace Quality Coordination Effort Creation of Separate “CIVIL, & SPACE & DEFENSE COMMITTEES” under AIA (incl. all associations) Will meet to address unique needs of each industry segment within the framework of a coordinated Industry process. will include participation of all affected Industry organizations including FAA, DoD and NASA. AAQG process will remain unchanged AIA Committees will join with the AAQG to integrate strategy and develop the products and tools needed for implementation AAQG responsible for common standards, tools and methods with supplementation for specific sector needs Involve NADCAP Activities with AAQG Special Process issues will be assigned to NADCAP and Quality Systems will be handled through the AAQG
SINGLE VOICE FOR QUALITY IN AEROSPACE INDUSTRY Will Eliminate overlap in Committees and Organizations Reduction in resources and travel costs for participants Eliminate redundant activities Increase in Communications between Groups and Leadership Focus customer and user information in many areas Increase response and decision time for implementation Obtain broader involvement of suppliers, customers and regulators Better coordination / implementation of government / industry initiatives Provide inputs and coordination for Global Quality Issues for the International Aerospace Quality Group
ORGANIZATIONAL BENEFITS TO INDUSTRY Executive Quality Steering Group Clear senior level direction with supporting resources Ability to challenge the status quo Includes representation from Industry Associations AIA managed business-line unique Committees (Civil, Defense and Space) Involvement of all stakeholders - customers, suppliers and associations "Authorized" linkage to political and government/regulatory organizations Communication with a business-line and across parallel business-lines Linkage to other AIA Councils and Industry Associations Americas Aerospace Quality Group Development of industry-wide (global) processes when appropriate Linkage with international organizations and initiatives through the IAQG Official alignment with an ANSI recognized Standards Development Organization (SAE) Commitment to use products both internally and with suppliers Formal linkage to the supplier community
New Aerospace Quality Coordination Effort Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Working Teams AMERICAS AEROSPACE QUALITY GROUP EXECUTIVE QUALITY GROUP CIVIL AVIATION Working Teams DEFENSE Working Teams NADCAP EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING SPACE Working Teams Series of Structured Meetings in the Washington D.C. Area Twice a Year
General Assembly Meetings IAQG Organization Structure IAQG IAQG General Assembly Meetings IAQG Council AECMA QC JAQG AAQG AECMA SAE SJAC National Trade Associations
Quality Committees (QACs) Membership: Company Quality Managers Representing respective sector Industry Associations & Trade Groups FAA Managers (Civil Sector) DoD representatives (Defense sectors) Office of Sec Def DCM / DLA Air Force / Army / Navy NASA Quality Managers (Space Sector) Chairperson Selected by the committee Rotates every 2 years
AIA Aerospace Executive Quality Steering Group Membership: Government Members (3 or 4) FAA - AIR 200, AIR 300 DoD / DCMA NASA Industry Members (Executive level minimum) Industry Members ( 5 or 6) Airlines (1 or 2) Suppliers (2)(large & small) Sector Representatives - AIA Liaison Chair - AAQG Chair of AIA Civil, Defense, Space QACs & NADCAP SC Including Aftermarket Support and Supplier Representation Proposed Members
Aerospace Industry Associations SAE – Society of Automotive Engineers AAQG – Americas Aerospace Quality Group (G-14) PRI – Performance Review Institute NADCAP – IAQG – International Aerospace Quality Group AIA – Aerospace Industries Association ADQMC – Aviation & Defense Quality Management Committee MMRC – Manufacturing, Maintenance and Repair Committee SMC – Supplier Management Council GAMA – General Aviation Manufacturers Association AIAA – American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics NDIA – National Defense Industries Association AHS – American Helicopter Society AEA – Aircraft Electronics Association ARSA – Aircraft Repair Station Association ATA – Airline Transport Association ASA – Airline Suppliers Association AECMA – European Association of Aerospace Industries
Aerospace Quality Standards AS 9100 Aerospace Quality Management System AS 9101 (AS 9100 checklist) AS 9010 Aerospace Inspection System AS 9102 First Article Inspection Requirements AS 9103 Management of Key Characteristics AS 9106 Deliverable Software / Firmware AS 9110 Quality System for Aerospace Repair Stations AS 9111 (AS 9110 checklist) AS 9120 Aerospace Stockist Distributor Quality Requirements AS 9121 (AS 9120 checklist) EN 9130 Records Retention AS 9131 Nonconformance Documentation (Concession form) AS 9132 2-D Part Marking Quality Requirements AS 9133 Product Qualification AS ???? Non-Deliverable Software AS ???? Control of Digital Data AS ???? Calibration System Requirements for Aerospace AS ???? Acceptance Sampling for Aerospace AS ???? Operator Self-Verification Program Requirements