WebMD By: Zach Lanham
Goal of WebMD My main goal with using this app is to educate future patients. I would like my patients to be knowledgeable about their conditions and any side effects. If the patients know their side effects, they could potentially avoid a doctor’s visit if they just have a cough or runny nose.
About WebMD Leading provider of health information services Through these services, WebMD provides: Active role in managing health in consumers Allow for easier access to clinical reference sources for physicians and healthcare professionals. Enable employers and health plans to provide personalized health and benefit information.
Key Features Healthy Target Symptom Checker Track Data (weight, steps, etc.) Sleep Tracker Account is needed to use features Symptom Checker Asks for age, zip code and gender to begin Tap on specific body parts for symptom list Once all symptoms are selected, the app will generate possible conditions that have your symptoms As a side note, this is for reference only. If you require medical attention, call 911.
Key Features Medicine Conditions First Aid Search brand name, pill i.d. (inscribed on pill), top searches and your own medication Once a medication is selected, the medical information about the medicine will appear. Conditions Lists all medical conditions on the screen. Once a condition is selected, all information pertaining to that condition will appear First Aid When selected, the app brings up a list of conditions and how to treat each one. Depending on the injury, there may be a warning saying “Go to the Emergency room at the top”.
Where to buy? This app is located on both the App Store and Google Play store, and it is free on both stores.
References Photos: http://droidviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/web-md-android-app.jpg http://theappchief.com/services/ App: http://www.webmd.com/mobile