Many thanks for your continued support, Miss Brown. Newsletter Reception Class 3rd February 2017 Literacy This week we have been concentrating on sequencing and retelling a story through drama. Everyone worked very hard in the role play corner to retell the story of Nian. Additionally we have been using our phonics knowledge to write describing words. In our guided reading we have enjoyed looking at non-fiction texts about Chinese New Year. This week we have really enjoyed reading the Chinese New Year tale of the monster Nian. The children have been acting out this story in the Chinese village role play and have been making Nian monsters in the creative corner. Next week it is the whole school science week. We will be looking closely at recycled materials and the process of melting. The children will also be attending a science show on Friday! Phonics This week we have learnt the following Phase 3 sounds; oo and oa. We have learnt that the oo sound can make two sounds the long oo (as in root) sound and the u sound (as in foot). Over the duration of next week please can you complete these sounds in your child’s sound book. Maths This week we have been learning about the days of the week. We used the story of ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle to help us to learn the order. This weeks homework focuses on consolidating our leaning in numeracy this week. Notices . Homework: Please can everyone complete the Maths activity in your Learning Together Books. Please could everyone bring in two washed out four pint plastic milk bottles for next Monday. We will be using these throughout science week. Many thanks for your continued support, Miss Brown.