American Imperialism
Imperialism Is when a more powerful nation takes over a weaker one for political, economic and social reasons. The late 1800’s was called the Age of Imperialism Search for raw materials (factories) and markets (places to sell) drove this. Some Americans felt they could, ‘lift up the uncivilized” people by sharing Christianity and western civilization
American Imperialism After the Civil War , some Americans wanted their nation to build an Empire. Many felt America would become one of the worlds great powers if they did. Secretary of State William Seward pictured an American Empire dominating the Caribbean, Central America, and the Pacific. Also America wanted a place for their navy to refuel their coal steamships.
American Imperialism
Hawaii 1790’s Hawaiians and Americans began to trade with one another. 1830’s Americans started growing sugar cane in Hawaii. This crop grew well in the warm tropical climate. Then sugar plantations started to appear and became profitable. Over time Americans took control most of the land and businesses.
American Planters Revolt In 1891 Queen Liliuokalani wanted native Hawaiians to control their lands. (She didn’t like that Americans had so much control) In response, American planters, led by Samuel Dole, forced Liliuokalani from power in 1893. With the help of U.S. Marines Dole then wanted Hawaii to become part of the United States in 1894 It would become a territory of the United States in 1898. Hawaii became a state in 1959
Alaska 1867 William Seward purchased Alaska from Russia for 7.2 million dollars. It was a great bargain, but people mocked it as Seward’s Ice Box. However gold was discovered in the 1890’s so the people believed that this this purchase was a wise idea. 1912 Alaska became a U.S. territory 1959 Alaska became a U.S. state.
Yellow Journalism Type of journalism (news) based on sensational stories used to sell newspapers. Has little or no legitimate or researched news. Characteristics of Yellow Journalism Use of scare headlines with large prime in red or black ink Many photos, some of them faked Made up stories, faked interviews, misleading headlines Campaigns for those who suffered abuse.
Spanish American War The United States went to war with Spain in 1898 Reasons Spanish military harsh treatment of Cuban Rebels Newspaper publishers who wanted to sell newspapers Expansionists wanted to expand the US. Revenge for the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine. (people felt Spain did it, but there was no evidence for that.)
American Support for Cubans Late 1800’s Spain owned Cuba and Puerto Rico In 1895 Cuba wanted independence, so they started a rebellion. Spanish military harsh treatment of Cuban Rebels Many Americans began to feel sorry for the Cubans because of the harsh treatment they suffered under the Spanish. (as reported by the newspapers) Americans wanted to protect their business interests in Cuba.
Remember the Maine Feb. 15th 1898, The U.S.S. Maine was anchored in Havana Harbor. U.S.S. Maine explodes. 260 American sailors were killed in this mysterious explosion. Newspapers, using Yellow Journalism, called for a war against Spain. “Remember the Maine,” On April 25th 1898 The United States declares war on Spain
Example of Yellow Journalism 1.What is the general subject of the cartoon? 2.Who are the characters & what do they represent? 3.What is the cartoonist’s message?
Victory in the Philippines Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt prepared to attack Spain, and attack the Philippines first Admiral Dewey followed Roosevelt's instructions and on April 30th 1898 Dewey’s ships slipped into the Manila Harbor and destroyed the Spanish fleet. By July, American ground troops landed in Cuba, and with the help of Philipino rebels led by Emilio Aguinaldo the American forces quickly captured Manila.
The War in Cuba 17,000 American troops, ¼ of them African Americans came to fight along side Cuban Forces. Theodore Roosevelt left his job as Undersecretary of the Navy to form an all volunteer unit called the Rough Riders. The Rough Riders were made up of college freshmen, cowboys, and adventurers. T. Roosevelt and the Rough Riders were best known for their charge up San Juan Hill. This helped cause the city of Santiago, Cuba to surrender
Results of the Spanish American War United States won BIG Lost 379 men died in battle, 5,000 due to disease Spain gave up all claims to Cuba Cubans had to accept the Platt Amendment, which allows the United States to intervene in Cuba, and gave us control of a Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay. The United States gained territory in Puerto Rico and Guam. Spain turned over the Philippines for 20 million dollars The territory gained made the United States stronger militarily and economically.