Two Adams: cursed by the first and saved by the second Romans 5:12-21 Romans Series #16 4/13/14 Grace Baptist Church
Romans 5:12-21 Two main characters Repetition of words or phrases The First Adam and The Second Adam Repetition of words or phrases “one”- 11 “reign”- 5 “much more”- 5 “many” or “all men” – 8 “gift” - 6 The sin of the world, its sentence of death and judgment has connected with the human race in its head ADAM while the gift of God’s righteousness and life comes to us through the redemptive work of the God-man Christ Jesus, the Second Adam.
What Adam Gave Me His Sad Legacy (vs. 12-14) Sin entered the world (the “core” of the problem!) Death has been passed unto all men Because all have sinned. We sinned in Adam Example of Levi in the loins of Abraham paid tithes. Heb. 7:9,10 This is true for all men – before the Law and after it. Sin could never be anything but evil – before the Law and after… Adam is the FIGURE of Christ – How? I Cor. 15:45 – “The first man Adam…the last Adam…” He affected the human race – Christ did also. Was it fair for God to condemn the whole race in Adam? If God tested us all individually He would have found each of us a sinner. Since we are condemned in one man Adam, we can be saved in one man Christ! God’s plan is therefore gracious and wise!
What Christ Gave Me His Glad Generosity (vs. 15-21) A list of comparisons and contrasts Adam and Christ- the whole passage but especially vs. 12-14 Trespass and Gift- vs. 15 Vs. 15, 16- the details of vs. 12-14 explained. Condemnation and Justification- vs. 16 “Not guilty!” Death and Life- vs. 17- the reign of death vs. the reign of Christ (2 kings) Trespass and Righteousness- vs. 18 Trespass – Adam’s sin resulting in judgment + condemnation Righteousness- of Christ- resulted in the free gift of justification and life.
Disobedience and Obedience- vs. 19 See the results! Abounding Sin and Abounding Grace- vs. 20 The law entered- “steal in” Gal. 2:4- added- not as a final purpose but a helper, an instructor- from Adam to Moses, sin lies in the heart, dormant (man is condemned by his nature up until then- the law called sin transgression). When the law entered, man’s need for grace was revealed clearly- man’s sin was spelled out! As sin abounded, grace was more than adequate- it abounded more. Reign of Sin and Reign of Grace- vs. 21 The reign of sin brings- death- the kingdom of sin is death. The reign of grace brings life- eternal- the kingdom of grace is life.
For us… There is no way to overcome the fall of Adam except through Christ. There is no way to handle the damage done by Adam’s fall except through God’s grace. Humpty Dumpty’s fate would be the same for us BUT… Jesus Christ came to our wall, Jesus Christ died for our fall; So regardless of death and in spite of our sin, Through grace, He might put us together again. You cannot help BEING “in Adam” for this came by your first birth over which you had no control. But you can help STAYING “in Adam” for you can experience a second birth – a new birth from above – that will put you “in Christ.” This is why Jesus said, “Ye must be born again.” (John 3:7) Warren Wiersbe
The Gift unto Justification (16) The Gift of Righteousness (17,18) “The Gift” Verses 15-18 The Gift by Grace (15) For Dead People The Gift unto Justification (16) For Condemned People The Gift of Righteousness (17,18) For Kingdom People