Welcome to Bushfield Road Infant School
30 Hours Eligibility Parents are in employment Both parents are working ( or one parent in lone parent families.) Working parents in receipt of tax credits / universal credits. Working parents away from employment temporarily (maternity / adoption leave or sickness) One parent is employed and one parent has substantial caring responsibilities or is disabled and is in receipt or relevant benefits. Parents must earn a weekly minimum equivalent to 16 hours at the national minimum wage or national living wage (approx. £115.20 per week or £5990.40 per year) and less than £100,000 per year. This includes self employed parents and parents on zero hour contracts.
Applications Parents will apply online https://www.gov.uk All eligible parents will be given an eligibility code to quote with their chosen childcare provider. Childcare calculator – https://www.gov.uk/childcare- calculator Parents will confirm their eligibility online every 3 months. Where a child is no longer eligible there is a grace period of a minimum of a half term.
Options at Bushfield Nursery Bushfield Nursery will be open between 9am and 3pm We are flexible with the days you would like to attend Option 1 – 30 hours - Monday to Friday 9am – 3pm Option 2 – 30 hours – Split with another setting Option 3 – 15 hours – Two full days 9am-3pm and a half day 9am-12pm Option 4 – 15 hours – five mornings 9am – 12pm Option 5 – Topping up the 15 hours.
Our Staff Our Nursery has a Full time Teacher, three Early Years Practitioners, two part time and one full time and a part time Teaching Assistant. Mrs Bainbridge, Mrs Poma, Mrs Kerry. One of these members of staff will be your child’s key worker. This person will be your first point of call to discuss any issues.
Starting Nursery Between 26th June and 7th July two members of the Nursery Team will visit your child at home. Home visit will last 20-30mins. The staff will bring some games from Nursery to play with your child and paper work will be completed. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions. Its important to see your child in their home environment and for your child to see the staff as safe as you are welcoming us into your home. We will send out appointments for this at the beginning of June. If there is a problem with your appointment can you contact the school to rearrange.
Stay and Play session On 10th or 13th July, the Nursery will be open for a stay and play session between 10.30am and 11.30am. This will be an opportunity for you and your child to visit the Nursery and get to know the staff. You will be able to ask any further questions and have the opportunity to buy school sweatshirts or cardigans.
What do we do in Nursery? Pupils have access to both indoors and outdoors during free flow. Throughout the week we have short structured teaching sessions as a whole class, in small groups and one to one. We follow a topic based curriculum with topics including Superheroes, Dinosaurs, People who help us and Minibeasts. The Nursery is arranged into different learning areas both inside and outside. We encourage all children to access the outdoor learning environment at some time during the day. We go outside whatever the weather so its important for your child to have appropriate clothing. We send curriculum letters home half termly explaining the things we are going to be doing in Nursery to give you the opportunities to discuss what they have been doing at school with your child.
Lunchtime Pupils have lunch in the Main school hall with the older pupils in the main school. They can choose to have either packed lunch or a cooked school dinner. School dinners cost £1.20 a day and can be paid weekly or termly. Pupils are supervised by a team of lunch time supervisors. They take part in activities outdoor in the Nursery, listen to stories and sing songs as well as having their lunch. A menu is sent home at the start of term. We ask that children do not change from pack ups to dinners weekly and ask that you give at least a weeks notice if you want your child to change from dinners to pack ups.
Snack time We have a snack time in the morning and afternoon. Pupils are offered a piece of fruit and either milk or water to drink. We use this session as an opportunity to develop social skills.
Inspiration days We have an Inspiration day for our topic half termly. Often the children dress up for this day or we invite visitors into school.
Visits We like to go on a school visit regularly. This is usually to somewhere in the local community. We often require parent helpers for these visits. Visited Normanby to see Santa, pink pig farm, walk to the park.
Open door Policy There will be lots of opportunities for you to come into Nursery. Stay and Play sessions Singing performances Fairs and discos We have an open door policy so we are always available to discuss any issues you may have. We also have a communication book in which you can write any messages in.
What happens next? Fill in the Nursery form and return to school by 7th April We will confirm your Nursery place by 12th May. Pre-school visits will take place at the beginning of June. Home visits will take place between 26th June and 7th July. Stay and play sessions on the 10th or 13th July between 10.30am – 11.30am. Nursery will be open for your child to start from Tuesday 5th September.