EL PROYECTO DE R6 DUE: 5/27, 28/17– 50 points Goal: Through your project, you will demonstrate that you can use the vocabulary and grammar from R6 to order food in a restaurant. OPTIONS TO MEET THE R6 GOAL: Video: Order in a real-life situation, (i.e. go early to a restaurant and ask the waiter if you can film) Video: with friends speaking in Spanish and ordering food (play acting) Create a comic strip or script or power point with pictures,descriptions/story, and voice overs VIDEOS – every person must talk in the video. I am assessing each person to see if he/she met our R6 goal. *** You will have 20-30 minutes of class time every day to work on your project. The rest is homework. (Completing the project will take the place of QUIA homework) RUBRIC 4.0 – order for more people than yourself. Vocabulary and grammar are correct, no errors. Extensive vocabulary. Video quality very good/excellent, can clearly hear what you are saying. Excellent pronunciation. Very creative/beautiful (voiceover, nice artwork). 3.0 – includes lots of vocabulary and grammar (mostly correct). Good pronunciation and sentence structure. Video quality good, can hear what you are saying. Makes vocabulary contextual (believable). If it is a power point/comic strip, it looks nice, presentable. 2.0 – Some vocabulary used. Lots of errors in grammar/sentence structure. Choppy sentences. Heavy English accent. A little Google translate heavy. Too short (very, very, short conversation/stumbling). Video quality is somewhat poor, hard to hear voice. If it is a power point/comic strip, it looks sloppy, quickly done. 1.0 – Spanglish, too much Google translate. More errors than correctness in grammar. Little to no vocabulary used from R6. Not enough content to properly assess.