MFA CAD, PAOD Bulgarian Endovascular Course 2011
Case presentation 62 RFC, male Risk factors- arterial hypertension II st., Hyperlipidemia CoAD-1VD-85% stenosis LAD POAD II st.- Intermittent claudication for both legs, mostly in the right one, when walking 300-400m. AFS-utr with high-gade stenoses A.tib. ant. Sin-trombosis Bulgarian Endovascular Course 2011
Echo Doppler: Carotid arteries: -LICA-50% stenosis -RICA-30% stenosis AFS-utr with high-gade stenoses A.tib. ant. Sin-trombosis Bulgarian Endovascular Course 2011
Coronarography and Peripheral arteriography: LAD-70%; LCx-ostial plaque and 60% distal stenosis LICA-80% stenosis; RICA-thrombosis aa.Iliacae utr-stenoses AFS utr thromboses Doppler Sonography: A.tib ant dex-130mmHg ABI dex-0.8 A.tib post dex-130mmHg ABI sin-0,8 A. tib ant sin -130 mmHg A.tib post sin-120mmHg A.brachialis 160mmHg Bulgarian Endovascular Course 2011
AFSdex Stenosis in the middle sement Bulgarian Endovascular Course 2011
AFS dex Bulgarian Endovascular Course 2011
AFS sin Stenosis in the middle segment Bulgarian Endovascular Course 2011
AFS sin Middle segment Bulgarian Endovascular Course 2011